Watermelon Slide

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Fruit Herbal Blend
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  • “Although Autumns chill is beginning to manifest, I’m still cold brewing my teas. I picked up this one up a month or so ago. Savoy Tea Company is a local supplier for my addiction and when I last...” Read full tasting note

From Savoy Tea Co

If you love watermelon, you will love this fruit tisane! Seriously, it tastes (& smells) like watermelon! It’s absolutely delicious and refreshing poured over ice on a hot summer day. It’s also a crowd pleaser served in a tall, chilled, dispenser at a picnic. You know, share the joy.

Ingredients: Apple Pieces, Carrot Flakes, Honeydew Melon Cubes, Freeze-dried Strawberry Slices, Beet Root & Flavoring.

About Savoy Tea Co View company

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1 Tasting Note

58 tasting notes

Although Autumns chill is beginning to manifest, I’m still cold brewing my teas. I picked up this one up a month or so ago. Savoy Tea Company is a local supplier for my addiction and when I last fell off the wagon, this was one of their summer offerings. It smelled good and had a fun name, so I brought some home, then let it rest while I went through a series of sip downs. The theory is I bring interesting new teas home but can only open them as I finish others. The end result is I’m drinking summer teas in Autumn. Oh well…

A view of the dehydrated bits in the package made me suspect that this is another of those teas whose remains are edible. Sure enough, like the apple tea by the same company, it does appear to be the case. They’re mostly fruit bits. And yes, you can eat these steepings if you’re so inclined. I tried mine—They aren’t quite as good as Savoy’s Caramel Apple Almond, and in all honesty, I’m getting a little bored with that sort of thing, but it was kind of fun to try.

But enough of such silliness, how was the tea itself? Pretty good actually. I hate to use predictable words like “refreshing,” but this is. It’s good, watermelony—smells and tastes like the real deal only not sweet, just fruity. There are plenty of other elements at work in my cup, but they got the watermelon dead on and I liked this far more than I expected to.

I COULD sweeten it but have no really pressing urge to do so. It’s a nice, stand alone summer brew, one that resembles the fruit waters I make in the summer but in a compact form.

It’s also one of those brews I suspect would NOT be good hot. I could be wrong but doubt I am. As I consider academically the idea of trying a hot cupful, part of me is horrified at the notion.

Still, I’ll keep this handy for cold brews for mild autumn days. It’s very pleasant, and I like the whimsical aspect of the name. Watermelon Slide. It sounds like an unusual piece of playground equipment or a bizarre summer activity. It makes me want to break out in puns. “See that Mango? He’s berry good. We make quite a pear.”

“If you’re melon-collie cause you cantaloupe, take the banana boat and meet jungle Jim by the watermelon slide. You’ll have a grape time.”

gmathis 11 years ago

When we were there, we tasted one that had “autumn” or “harvest” in the name…can’t remember…it was also very melony, which I don’t usually associate with fall.

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