Spring Harvest

Tea type
Fruit Green White Blend
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Passion Fruit, Sweet
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Average preparation
160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec 17 oz / 500 ml

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9 Tasting Notes View all

From Sanctuary T

An amazing blend of green tea, white tea and passionfruit flavor.

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Sanctuary T Shop is the online expression of New York City’s unique tea-restaurant based in Soho. It is dedicated to celebrating tea’s many forms, attributes and tastes. Owner Dawn Cameron and her team of tea-loving staffers are always experimenting for the perfect tea blends, tasting for the best pure leaf, expanding their tea knowledge, and innovating with new ways to use tea in food, cocktails and just about anything else!

9 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

Thanks LiberTEAs for this one!!!!

a nice fruity green…slightly tropical minus the stereotypical coconut tropical flavor. YUMMY!

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4843 tasting notes

This is really good. The tea tastes fresh and light, and the passion fruit essence is nicely balanced. Sweet! Delicious!


165 °F / 73 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I haven’t tried this one yet!!! Would LOVE to!

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247 tasting notes

I have this one in the BYOTea set. It’s the first one I’ve tried, even though I ordered the set a few months ago. If you haven’t seen it, it’s pretty neat for people on the go who like loose tea, but may not have the equipment with them. (Think vacation, work, commuting, etc.) It comes with 10 biodegradable tea pouches to put 3-4 pinches of tea in. I found that four works best for my travel mug. The tea is kept in these plastic folded pouches that remind me of a clutch handbag. When it’s folded up, the plastic seals shut and the tea is kept safely inside. Ingenious, actually.

I’m in class right now, so I warmed the teapot almost to boiling. I’ve burned myself so many times, that I’ve been working on guesstimating the temperature of the water and stopping it before it boils. I’ve got it down to sound, however, since I’m not all that certain of temperature, I’ve left it off. I did let it steep for about three minutes.

The tea smells fresh and fruity, both before and after steeping. The taste is refreshing. The green tea is somewhat grassy, but not like a really green, green tea. It complements the tropical fruit nicely. The passion fruit provides a fullness to the flavor. It’s not a weak taste, nor is is sickly sweet. I’d say it’s rather realistic. I also taste pineapple, although it could be my tropical imagination getting the better of me. I’m really thrilled with the convenience of these little packets of tea.

3 min, 0 sec

I hadn’t heard of this before your review. Sounds pretty cool – I’ll have to give it a go. :)


The packets are nice, but the tea’s shelf life won’t be as long as if it were stored in a tin. It’s still a neat concept. My students all crowded around me as if I had made some new discovery, so it added to the atmosphere of exploring something new.

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176 tasting notes

Got this as a free sample with my recent order. The smell of the dry leaves really reminds me of something I drank as a kid, no doubt in the Celestial Seasonings ‘Zinger’ family. I had kind of forgotten that I was the lone tea-drinker at home growing up, having tea parties with my stuffed bunnies, serving things I’d made in my Easy Bake oven. Nostalgia. (Twenty years later, I am a pastry student with a nicely-stocked tea cupboard. I guess these things start early.)

Anyway, back to the tea. I decided to try this iced, because it’s hot as Hades outside, and because that’s how I generally prefer my fruity teas, anyway. The pale color and the sweet fullness of it remind me of honey… it’s got that nice coat-your-tongue sort of thick flavor to it. The tea (white and green) is delicate, but the passion fruit is not so strong that it overpowers it. It’s nice.

Iced 3 min, 0 sec

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305 tasting notes

I am not a green tea fan, but this blend is really good. light and very drinkable.
I drank two pots tonight, considered a third, but one look at the time and I stopped for the day. How many infusions have you guys gotten out of this one?

3 min, 0 sec

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63 tasting notes

Drinking this tea is akin to falling in love.
At first, you notice the young white and green tea leaves peppered with petals. You blush. Then you brew the tea. The tea leaves sink to the bottom and the petal fragments to the top. It’s cute, but so gently delicate as it swirls around the cup; it bathes your senses with ginger notes of apricot and honey, there is a faint passion fruit, but it isn’t tart with you.

The first sip is heaven in a cup. It’s like satin, gliding over your tongue, really letting the quality of the brew saturate you. The tea surprises you: It’s got a subtle butteriness to it, which is very unique. It’s not a shy tea, it’s just polite. The flavor reminds me of Snow Dragon White tea — a mild marriage of vegetal and herbaceous, but lightly sweet.

Definitely worthy of it’s name :)


Great description of this tea:)

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2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 215. The fourth sample in the Sanctuary Sampler.

Another mixed leaf tea that has me a bit baffled as to how to steep it. This is a green and white tea mix, and I chose to steep it at a slightly higher temperature than I usually do for greens but at the same duration because I don’t want to spoil it by having it turn bitter.

In the packet it smelled fruity (it’s a passion fruit flavored tea). The green leaves look like sencha and the white leaves… hmmm… not sure. Probably white peony, but the leaves are pretty dark so it is hard to tell.

It’s a light amber colored tea with some of the sencha floaters I always get with the Breville but otherwise a clear liquor. It mostly smells of passion fruit, but in a good way. Not a fakey or overpowering fragrance.

Interesting. The flavor is very similar to the Geisha Beauty of yesterday (a black/green blend with peach flavoring). The main difference is in the fruit flavoring. To my taste buds, this passion fruit is better than that peach was. It’s subtle and fresh tasting, and though it isn’t quite juicy, it’s got a sweetness to it that is reminiscent of the fruit itself.

Therefore, I’m rating it a bit higher than the Geisha Beauty. But in a similar vein, this isn’t the sort of thing I usually drink. I find mixed teas with different steeping times and temps pretty intimidating unless they come with very detailed instructions for getting the best possible result, and I can’t see myself choosing a mixed tea given other choices that I have a certain degree of steeping confidence with.

Still, it’s tasty, and if you have the daring for this type of thing and like passion fruit you might want to give it a try.

Flavors: Passion Fruit, Sweet

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

Passionfruit you say? Onto the wishlist it goes. :)

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