So, I recently had the chance to go to my very first Sugar Shack with some coworkers! It was a really amazing experience, even if it was still snowy outside and the majority of the food served was very meat heavy (which is a no go for a Vegetarian). I got to see my first ever real life, in person maple teas – something that feels really sad given that I’ve lived in Canada my entire life. They just don’t grow out in Saskatchewan, though…
I also got to do the Maple Syrup ‘taffy’ poured over snow/rolled on a stick thing. Which I’ve know was a _"Canadian Thing" for years now – but which also just isn’t done out in Saskatchewan. Sort of a crossing off of things on my “Canadian Bucket List”, if you will.
I knew the tea options were going to be sad – but while we were eating I figured I’d order a tea anyway. They brought out a tea box with six different options, all this company that I’d actually not heard of before. Most were things like Orange Pekoe, Earl Grey, Peppermint – your usuals. This was the most unique/interesting which is why I chose it. The water provided to steep the tea was actually the worst part; it was so just barely above room temperature! Sad! So, it of course took forever to steep – but I guess when I did end up with a somewhat steeped cup it wasn’t bad. Like a sweet, syrupy strawberry and hibiscus mix.
Good experience – not good tea. I’ll take the trade off.