I met the gals at a new coffee shop called “Beans” for knitting this afternoon, and they had a small selection of bagged teas by Numi and Rishi. I decided to pick up a couple of bags (because, ya know, I don’t have enough tea!) I’d been told that turmeric was good for nasal polyps, so I chose this one and the Yunnan Breakfast tea. I made this one for my evening cup. I’m honestly not sure what I think of it. The mouthful starts out a little tangy, and turns almost sickeningly sweet. Like lemon and honey cough syrup. The sweet lingers on the tongue after I swallow. I’ll finish the cup, but I’m not going to re-steep, and I don’t plan to buy this one again. Although I will say my nose is slightly clearer. I could suck on a Halls cough drop for the same effect.