Pink Sonoma

Tea type
White Tea
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170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 45 sec 6 oz / 177 ml

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From Red Leaf Tea

“We are proud to introduce our newest wine-infused tea, the Pink Sonoma! Thoroughly saturated with the flavor of a light cabernet, Pink Sonoma is based on the sweetness of a strong white tea. We have given this base a powerful floral aroma and body by adding a good measure of rose petals, as well as a light touch of jasmine.” —-Red Leaf Tea website.

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18 Tasting Notes

615 tasting notes

I really adore the light grapey, floral aroma of this one, and it’s definitely grape-ier tasting than I remember.

The whole thing is definitely a marriage of tea and wine. It’s has a dry, almost sparkling quality. The main star is the lovely grape flavor, but the florals add a delicate layer of flavor, with the jasmine coming through more than the rose. It’s not quite a dessert wine, and not quite a table wine.

Either way, this is beautiful.

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

Sounds wonderful.

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15267 tasting notes

sipdown! thanks hallieod this is a decent brew though it’s not quite up my alley. The white tea blends nicely with the flavours but it’s a bit too floral for me as well as being a really light tea. :)


Yeah, don’t think I’d quite got your response to floral teas before including this one in the package. :)


naw it’s all good! i like trying new teas. :)

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2201 tasting notes

Thanks to Azzrian for this sample!

In the genre of wine-flavored teas, I have only had an ice wine tea before. I am not sure what I think of wine flavored teas, except perhaps that they should not be hot. I didn’t think about that until just this moment, sipping this tea, but I would bet that I would prefer this iced.

This does remind me of wine in an odd way. Definitely a fruity, sweet rosé. I recently did some wine tasting in Napa, and it reminds me of some of the dessert wines I tried. Many of them had slightly floral or rose notes in the sip, and this does as well. It also surprisingly has a certain “dryness” that I associate with wine. It actually reminds me of a Gewürztraminer I tried that was “a little sweet”… not quite a dessert wine, not quite a table wine.

Anyway, I guess this does a pretty good job of mimicking a wine, and if you are into that, this might be up your alley. I love tea and I love wine, but I think I like them to be separate. I certainly only want hot wine flavors when I am drinking warm spice wine at the holidays.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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6768 tasting notes

Sending the rest to Liberteas and Emilie
Oh! I do LOVE this one!

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4843 tasting notes

Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this tea.

I could have sworn that I had tried this tea before, but I suspect it was a Pink Sonoma from another company.

Anyway… this is really quite lovely. Beautifully floral … but not too much. A nice sweetness … fruity. I’m not a big fan of wine, as I’ve mentioned on other occasions, but, if I were to take a sip and the wine tasted like this, I could definitely – happily – finish the glass.

The white tea is not hidden beneath the flavors and I like that. A really lovely tea.

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807 tasting notes

Really quite delightful! I am backlogging as I had this last night.
At first I thought it was a little on the weak side but after it cooled some it was amazing.
There was the perfect light berry sweetness, and a somewhat floral note lingering in the background – but the star of this blend is the wine flavor which was stellar!
Yup this is another good one from Red Leaf Tea! They do have more than just matcha! :)

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1220 tasting notes

This reminds me a lot of all the raspberry champagne white teas I have tried to no avail. In reality, “light cabernet” is actually a better way to describe those things than “raspberry champagne.” Or maybe actually more of a combination, or even better, like blanc de noirs.

It’s kind of funny after I say that, looking through other notes everyone has compared it to a different wine!

This is pretty sweet though, at least for me. It also is pretty floral, definitely jasmine. It wasn’t bad but I am pretty particular about wine flavored teas, and for some reason white tea really just doesn’t do it for me as a base for any.

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1015 tasting notes

It has been a LONG weekend of feeling exhausted so I’ve been sleeping quite more than usual. I also have a sore throat and the beginning of a cough – the luxuries of the first of the school year teaching 6 year olds. I added quite a bit of honey to this tea and from what I can tell I quite like it. However, I’ll be saving the rating for a day when I can truly taste this tea.

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871 tasting notes

I have to preface this note by saying I love wine. I also love tea. So the fact that there is a tea that tastes like wine – right up my alley.

On first smell, the tea leaves smell like a sweet rose wine (not rose like the flower, rose the wine, with the little dash over the “e”, I don’t know how to do that on the keyboard).

The tea brews light yellow colour and smells of sweet white tea and roses (the flower this time). The tea tastes like a sweeter version of a Californian cabernet sauvignon. Delicious. I would love to try this tea iced.

There is a slight astringent aftertaste that I often get with flowery teas.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Rosé? Option + e, on a Mac. :D


Unfortunately I am on a PC. But thanks.

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196 tasting notes

I didn’t get any rose petals in my small sample, but I do like this tea. It is both sweet and tangy, with a pronounced grapiness as it cools. Nice floral overtones. Really nice tea

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

One (of my many) new faves!!!

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