This tea was given to me in a storage tin, and so while it had the name of the tea and the tea company on it, it did not have the ingredients, etc. So, I added the tea but had neither a picture or an ingredient list. Sorry the tea information is bare.
The first time I had this, I had no tea and no milk or cream of any kind. That being said, the tea was horrible. Just…let’s not go there.
But, with sugar, and a bit of milk, this tea is a very delicious, yummy cuppa. It has a light pumpkin taste, and then has a similar taste to the crust of a pumpkin pie…it’s not a hugely noticeable flavor, and I can’t quite give it a real name, but this tea definitely has a warm, spicy taste very close to pumpkin pie. It has a creamy, warm mouthfeel, and takes to cream or milk very well.
I’m very pleased with this tea, and when I find an ingredient list (the tea is seasonal, so is no longer listed on the company page) I will give a more thorough tea review. It’s a lovely cuppa, though.
P.S: I used a teapot, and I am not sure on how much water I put in…