Since I know Queen Mary Tea Room does some of their own blending and some they buy elsewhere already blended, I’m wondering if this is Adagio’s Thai Chai…
It is definitely well named. It reminds me of red coconut curry. All that is missing is some Thai basil. :) Strongly coconut, with a hit of lemongrass in the mix. The smells of the spices imply stronger spice than the tea delivers with milk mixed in, though. I did sip a bit before adding the milk and this may be one that the spices are not helped by milk. They were noticeable in the forefront when I sipped it without milk and are now toned down somewhat. The sugar popped them even more but I think the milk brings the coconut to the forefront and sends the spices to 3rd place taste. Not to say this isn’t full of cinnamon & cardamom flavor! It is.