I keep thinking there is something I am not getting about green tea. I’ve had two today — the other one I have to add to steepster before I can review, I guess nobody is into lychee green tea?!? — and they don’t taste like much. Now I’m trying to remember have I ever liked green tea?
I was so excited about this one, from Sil, that I have been holding on to it until the mood was right. I mean, Japanese Cherry sounds so beautiful. Now I should add that I’m trying to drink this without any sugar. The brewed tea is clear, pale yellow. There is indeed a slight cherry aroma and a slight cherry aftertaste. Aside from this, I am not getting much. It is mostly warm water with cherry aftertaste. I doubt sugar would do much here but let’s see. ..
I was right. Sweet water with cherry aftertaste. The cherry is so barely there that it tastes even more faint than those vitamin waters, if you ever had them. Someone remind me why I’m drinking this?
I steeped for one minute, about a rounded teaspoon (that measure sounds a bit vague to me) like it says here on Steepster. Water 2 minutes off boiling. I even timed that. Not much is happening in the cup. Sorry. Am not a big fan of warm water that I have to pay a lot of money for. Granted I didn’t pay for this, Sil shared it with me, but it is quite possible I would have bought it.
I’m willing to give green tea a good honest try and to be fair i will try a few more but so far it’s failing in the flavour department.
If you’re having issues on tea delivering in the flavor department for you, try more leaf next time! There are definitely some people who just need more leaf to make a satisfactory cup of tea. Or go ahead and steep it for longer. Play around with your parameters… the ones provided by companies are just suggestions, and everyone’s tastes are different.
Agree with dinosara!
Thanks, I will try! I am afraid they’ll go bitter though. Kokomo green ruined me for green tea :) I will try again tomorrow or tonight.
It shouldn’t go bitter with more tea. It will go bitter if you steep it too long. More tea, not more time, to make a stronger cup.
My answer is always add more cherry, but that’s just how I roll. Personally, I like Chinese green better than Japanese green.