2020 Hubei Chibi Qingzhuan Tea Brick

Tea type
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Citrus, Pepper, Sweet
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Edit tea info Last updated by Wynn_VA
Average preparation
Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 2 oz / 60 ml

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  • “Surprised they have this one on Steepster haha. Blind bought a cake of this because it was so cheap (< $0.04/g!) and I wanted to try a different type of heicha than shou puerh. This tea is in...” Read full tasting note

From PuerhShop.com

“Like a ripe Pu-erh, or Fu Zhuan. Introductory price!

Qingzhuan(Black) brick tea is in a shape of a rectangular brick and is characterized by its dark brown color, strong taste, reddish yellow clear tea broth and dark thick spent leaves. It has a history of more than 100 years.

This authentic Hubei Chibi Qingzhuan Tea brick is made by Hubei Zhaoliqiao Tea Factory, a famous tea factory in China. The tea has a pleasing brown color, it boasts its mellow taste and sweet aftertaste. It helps to quench thirst, clear away heat, promote digestion, relieve fatigue, refresh consciousness and dispel the effects of alcohol."

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1 Tasting Note

212 tasting notes

Surprised they have this one on Steepster haha. Blind bought a cake of this because it was so cheap (< $0.04/g!) and I wanted to try a different type of heicha than shou puerh. This tea is in bits – some of the smallest I’ve seen in loose leaf tea. Lots of bits of stems too.

I think this is a decent value for what it is. I was hoping for it to be tolerable at least, and that it is. Flavor is a bit sweet, but fairly simple. No astringency or bitterness. Mouthfeel is decent, but not as full or interesting as many shous I’ve tried. Flavor profile is very different from the shous I’ve tried. This one completely lacks any earthy/forest floor notes that are common in shou. Longevity is poor at 5-6ish infusions, but I didn’t try to push the times in the later infusions.

I can see myself sipping on this from time to time, as a break from shous. Will likely take me a long, long time to get through the brick haha.

Flavors: Citrus, Pepper, Sweet

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 2 OZ / 60 ML

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