Blood Orange Reflections Herbal Tea

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Not available
Citrus, Cranberry, Hibiscus, Orange, Pleasantly Sour, Rosehips, Tart, Fruit Punch, Orange Zest, Tangy
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 6 min, 30 sec 12 oz / 352 ml

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5 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I think this is the same as Adagio’s blood orange tea, which I remember not enjoying. I feel similarly this time around. The orange is pretty sour, and there aren’t really any good parts to lighten...” Read full tasting note
  • “Plum Deluxe Advent Calendar – Day 21 My sample had a lot more hibiscus than the photo! Although hibiscus is also first in the list of ingredients, so maybe the photo is just misleading. It’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “Plum Deluxe Advent Calendar – Day 21 I cold brewed this for hours and was surprised to find it tasted like nothing. It was nothing, nothing, nothing, and then an orange aftertaste. It was very weird.” Read full tasting note
  • “When I saw this one this morning, I pretty much went, “Welp, there will be an avalanche of hibiscus-hate reviews on this today, and I’ll be the one loner that likes this tea.” It’s like the...” Read full tasting note

From Plum Deluxe

This tea is an autumn seasonal available through the end of January.

Enjoy fall with this extra special treat – a dark and delicious herbal blood orange blend. It also makes a great cold brewed tea if you find yourself craving something cool and refreshing.

Hibiscus, Rosehips, Orange Peel, Blood Orange Essence, Love, Gratitude

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5 Tasting Notes

2438 tasting notes

I think this is the same as Adagio’s blood orange tea, which I remember not enjoying. I feel similarly this time around. The orange is pretty sour, and there aren’t really any good parts to lighten it up. With lots of sugar and keeping the steep time short, the flavor is decent. It’s tart and a little orangey, but there are much better orange teas out there.

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4121 tasting notes

Plum Deluxe Advent Calendar – Day 21

My sample had a lot more hibiscus than the photo! Although hibiscus is also first in the list of ingredients, so maybe the photo is just misleading.

It’s definitely very tart! But honestly, tart and orange kind of go together so I’m not mad at it. I do agree with Dustin that it kind of tastes like a more sour cranberry juice. And I happen to like cranberry juice, so that’s fine with me.

Not something I would ever order because it’s just not my thing, but the cup was quite enjoyable this evening.

(today’s advent teas:

Flavors: Citrus, Cranberry, Hibiscus, Orange, Pleasantly Sour, Rosehips, Tart

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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6444 tasting notes

Plum Deluxe Advent Calendar – Day 21

I cold brewed this for hours and was surprised to find it tasted like nothing. It was nothing, nothing, nothing, and then an orange aftertaste. It was very weird.


You mean if I steep it long enough the hibiscus will go away?! Or maybe all the hibiscus was in my sample of it. Some of these blends have been pretty inconsistent in distribution of ingredients.

Mastress Alita

Ya, I was honestly surprised I got flavor tonight, because a lot of the “chunky herbal” packets have been so weak-sauce with how much came in the pouch.

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1241 tasting notes

When I saw this one this morning, I pretty much went, “Welp, there will be an avalanche of hibiscus-hate reviews on this today, and I’ll be the one loner that likes this tea.” It’s like the reversal of the day there was the banana tea in the advent, heh. More and more, I’m starting to feel like my tastes are so alien compared to everyone else that maybe I don’t really belong on here…

The dry leaf has a strong tangerine aroma. The steeping tea smells like orange peels and that fruit punch aroma I typically get from hibi-hip. It has a nice, strong flavor, which surprises me, since many of their herbals have been weak-sauce with the amount of leaf provided in this advent. It has that tart, tangy flavor that hibiscus brings, which is probably enhanced a bit since this isn’t paired with sweet fruits like many hibi blends are, but a very pithy/bitey orange citrus flavor.

Yes, I like this. But this is definitely not a tea for the rest of ya’ll that don’t like hibi. It is tart and tangy. If that’s not your thing, just skip this one.

Flavors: Citrus, Fruit Punch, Hibiscus, Orange, Orange Zest, Pleasantly Sour, Tangy, Tart

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML
Roswell Strange

Your tastes are not alien, and I’m sorry that you feel that way :( I love reading your reviews, and seeing ingredients and blends from your perspective. But also you are just such a lovely person, and I think Steepster would be a sadder place without your presence.


Agreed. That’s why I’ve hung out on Steepster lo, these many years—connecting with people who get tea, get tea people, and get a kick out of people with contrasting palates!


Nah, just think of your hib love as your super power and banana is your kryptonite. You will be able to do the missions that involve hibiscus where some of us can’t go. I’ll take all the banana missions. :)


I like hibby sweetened, which is probably blasphemy! Ha ha! And I have never had a banana tea. I really can’t imagine what it would be like.

That said – celebrate your uniqueness! We like reading your reviews for who you are, not for what you like and don’t like! It would be terribly boring if we all liked the same thing!

Martin Bednář

Three isn’t anything wrong with liking hibi. I understand both parties, people who hate it forbflavour, but you are on the other side and there isn’t anything wrong. I am with you :), but sometimes it’s overwhelming or not necessary in blend completely.

Don’t leave Steepster just because you love something that others hate.


I love hibiscus too. This place would be boring if everyone liked the same things and hated the same things. Also, that tea sounds yummy.


Don’t be silly, you belong here!

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1714 tasting notes

Advent Day 21

Oh. God. Well I’m not getting the metallic tang that I usually get with hibiscus and that is pretty impressive. I am getting a mouth full of cranberry juice and I’m not a fan of straight cranberry juice. I like it mixed in with things or as a jelly, but not juice. This is undrinkable for me, but I am wondering if I have the ingredients to make a Washington Apple and can salvage this. I think it has apple pucker (I have crown apple instead), cranberry juice and one other ingredient. Might have to wait until this evening to try this experiment. I’m not willing to commit to day drinking at this point. I’m still waking up!
Cold steeped for maybe 10 minutes.

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