Tie Guan Yin Impérial

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Oolong Tea Leaves
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 15 sec

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  • “I decided to start discovering tea with what I have at home, where I have to be, writing my thesis. While I am familiar with different types of black or green tea, I only had oolong once before, so...” Read full tasting note

From Palais des Thés

Wu Long (thé semi-fermenté) de Chine au parfum fleuri et noiseté. Long en bouche, d’une grande finesse.

China Wu Long (semi-fermented tea) with a flowery nutty bouquet. A beautifully delicate flavour, long in the mouth.

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1 Tasting Note

12 tasting notes

I decided to start discovering tea with what I have at home, where I have to be, writing my thesis. While I am familiar with different types of black or green tea, I only had oolong once before, so this is the perfect time.

The colour is surprisingly (to me) clear, almost like a white tea, the smell is delicate while present and definitely nutty. The taste is not too strong either and it develops nicely after a few seconds.

Several people told me in the past they don’t like tea, because it’s like “drinking hot water”. I am pretty sure they wouldn’t like this one at all, but I’ll try it again, maybe with more tea or longer steep time.

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 15 sec
Xitine 15 years ago

Hum while reading comments on other Tie Guan Yins, I found out you have to steep it several times, I had no idea, on the pack they only say “5-7’”.. learning every day !

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