For the past few days, I’ve been trying to overcome this horrid cold. I’ve felt miserable and NEEDED something with a lot of spice and/or citrus-y notes to it. Ohio Tea Company’s Orange Spice Black has been exactly what I needed. This has been my to-go-to for the past three days. Despite the amount of caffeine in it, I still manage to become relaxed and sleepy while drinking it—then again, I’m sick and tired, so anything can put me to sleep. Ha-ha.
The tea is very sweet; it has a nice refreshing orange taste and the cinnamon isn’t too overpowering. I’ve had tea blends that had spices and orange flavors within the tea, but weren’t mixed well—the spices had a tendency to overpower the tea, or not have much bite. However, this tea has an even ratio of spice and orange. I like the way the orange and black tea notes are the first flavors that hit the palette, and then the spice kicks in at the back of the throat. It’s definitely a good tea to drink on a cold rainy day; or even when you’re under the weather.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Orange