Indian Night Decaf Black Vanilla

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Black Tea
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Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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  • “This was without a doubt the worst cup of tea I’ve had in a long long time. It even surpassed Adagio’s white cucumber concoction in terms of vileness. And it probably wasn’t even the tea’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “Grabbed this at the cafeteria and added some cream and sugar. Sugar and paper is all I taste. And all I smell is cardboard. I don’t even know what else to say. I’m seriously tempted to leave the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another of my “starter” group that I get to wave goodbye to. Not at all sorry to see this one go. Looking back on my previous note, I see I had convinced myself I’d been able to improve it some. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you adagio breeze for two samples of this tea. Black vanilla based tea always makes me think latte so I might as well steep this into latte form. :) Gives me a good excuse to use up the milk...” Read full tasting note

From Numi Organic Tea

Inspired by an ancient Aztec culinary secret, Numi has chosen aromatic whole vanilla beans to blend with premium organic black tea. The tea grows in northern India on a bio-dynamic and Fair Trade garden surrounded by beautiful tropical forests. It is decaffeinated by a revolutionary organic CO2 process, called ‘Effervescence’, the only chemical-free method that does not extract flavor or health properties. As Indian Night steeps a vibrant bronzyRead more

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28 Tasting Notes

1353 tasting notes

This was without a doubt the worst cup of tea I’ve had in a long long time. It even surpassed Adagio’s white cucumber concoction in terms of vileness. And it probably wasn’t even the tea’s fault.

See, this is a backlog from this afternoon on the way home from work. I’ve got a 45-50 minutes train commute and sometimes I buy some sort of coffee drink to go for the trip. Today though, I was super-sleepy (through every fault of my own) so I thought it would be good with some caffeine on the trip. Coffee does indeed have plenty of caffeine, but cappucinos and cafe lattes also have lots of milk, and milk is not all that good at keeping people awake. So something without milk and with caffeine in it. I thought, “hey, this place has Numi teas! Why not give that a shot?” Of course they only had a smaller selection and not the chocolate pu-erh one, so I picked this one because it sounded nice with a vanilla tea.

Erm yeah. Staying awake. Decaf. NEVERMIND!

So that was the first mistake.

I get a to-go cup of water of a temperature that means business, but with my mitten on it was possible to hold the cup. I steeped and then removed the lid from the cup, so I could drink it and get the benefit of the aroma as well. And this is where is started to go wrong, Steepsterites.

The aroma was extremely fruity and sweetly berry-like. Vanilla was there as a hint and I think the thing that added the sweetness.

The tea itself was pretty weak in flavour, and what flavour that actually was there was largely cardboard-y and rooibos-y. Very much on the rooibos, actually, in spite of the bag wrapper not saying anything about it containing rooibos. In fact nowhere I look does it say anything about it containing rooibos so I can only conclude that it’s not supposed to be there.

There was no vanilla in the flavour at all. Not one bit. As a matter of fact there wasn’t even any black tea in the flavour either. Nothing. Not even a hint. All I could pick up was a watered down plain rooibos, which a) wasn’t what I wanted, b) I don’t even like that much and c) doesn’t exist in this place. In fact you could have blindfolded me and let me taste it and I would have said it was a rooibos and I probably wouldn’t even be
the slightest bit in doubt.

How in the name of all that is sweet and wholesome could this have gone so dreadfully dreadfully wrong? I wasn’t expecting perfection but I thought I’d at least be able to get a mediocre cup of tea. I think I know the answer to this.

Cardboard. Cup.

I’ve had that happen before. A cardboard cup that stole all the flavour from an otherwise strong and oversteeped teabag. It was like drinking just hot water. I think this phenomenon was at fault here too. It stole most of the flavour and warped what was left of it into the rooibos-y stuff.

I’m not going to give this a rating due it the nature of the taste-thieving cup. Under other circumstances this might actually have been a lovely tea, but right now after having tried it, I still have no clue what it tastes like.

Let this be a lesson for you, Steepsterites. Cardboard to-go cups = Eeeeeeeevil! Beware!

Show 9 previous comments...
TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

Oh my…

JacquelineM 15 years ago

I agree 100% – cardboard to go cups “steep” and you get cardboard tea (and if you leave the wooden stirring stick in you get that too) UGH!!!

Shanti 15 years ago

Oh gosh, I’m sorry you had such a sucky experience :( maybe it was better you avoided the pu-erh…I read that pu-erhs have almost zero caffeine in them! At least decaf tea (if it was tea and not rooibos) has a couple of mgs of caffeine… :)

Angrboda 15 years ago

Shanti, they don’t even have the chocolate pu-erh. If they had I’d have bought a whole box. And it wasn’t rooibos. It’s not supposed to have rooibos in it according to the wrapper. Just black tea and vanilla flavour.
Avoid. Cardboard. To-go. Cups. At. All. Costs!

JacquelineM, at least I didn’t get a stirring thing, I don’t think they have those at that particular cafe, but I have noticed the phenomenon in one of the other ones I frequent. You think you get a cafe latte with hazelnut syrup and what you get if you forget to remove the stick is a caffe latte with… wood.
To-go beverages. The bane of my existance!

Shanti 15 years ago

Ohhh, I get it. Heh, sorry, I misunderstood what you said. And boo to cardboard to-go cups that make black tea taste like crappy rooibos!

Angrboda 15 years ago

I can see how you got confused. I’ve edited the note a bit now to make it clearer that it’s not a flavour that was supposed to be there at all.

Cinoi 15 years ago

Wow, sorry, no chocolate pu-erh and to go cup disaster. I bought this one silicone to go travel mug (two of them actually)(Bed Bath and Beyond: two weeks ago. I know that sometimes they can give off flavor especially to hot brewed teas, but after the second brew, I had no adverse flavoring. When I am on the go, you bet I ask them to fill my to-go cup with hot water for tea because I loathe using cardboard. And helps the environment ;)

Jillian 15 years ago

I think I sent you another bag or two of the chocolate pu-erh with the Iron Goddess of Mercy I just mailed a few days ago.

Angrboda 15 years ago

Cinoi, yeah, I have one too that I use in the morning, but I didn’t feel like handing that to the woman in the shop. I did find a quieter place to put in the teabag and wait quietly while it steeped, so if I had been smart I could have just poured the hot water over into the other one.
…Oh, why didn’t I think of that???!

Jillian, awesome, I’m looking forward to that. Then we’ll see if I still find it uber-yummy or if it was my christmas spirits speaking. :D

takgoti 15 years ago

I shall remember this. And keep my travel tumbler close.

__Morgana__ 15 years ago

I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the cup. There is something cardboardy about this even when drunk from porcelain….

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1792 tasting notes

Grabbed this at the cafeteria and added some cream and sugar. Sugar and paper is all I taste. And all I smell is cardboard.

I don’t even know what else to say. I’m seriously tempted to leave the remaining 1/3 cup of this behind.

Stephanie 12 years ago


Jillian 12 years ago

That was pretty much my take on it too.

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2037 tasting notes

Another of my “starter” group that I get to wave goodbye to. Not at all sorry to see this one go. Looking back on my previous note, I see I had convinced myself I’d been able to improve it some. Now I’m wondering whether it wasn’t that I was just better prepared for the assault to my taste buds.

This was the first vanilla tea I tried. In a way, it was probably good that it was the first because it set the bar really low. In retrospect, I now understand just how low as I’ve since had really, really excellent vanilla flavored tea.

So as I take my leave, knowing what I know now about just how good vanilla flavoring in a tea can be, I must dock some points.

Lori 15 years ago

Some points? 27 is really low…

__Morgana__ 15 years ago

Yeah, I think I knocked it down about 15 points from where I had it before. It’s really in the “would definitely pass” category rather than “iffy” or “so-so.”

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1379 tasting notes

Thank you adagio breeze for two samples of this tea.

Black vanilla based tea always makes me think latte so I might as well steep this into latte form. :) Gives me a good excuse to use up the milk before we go on holiday.

The teabag smells spicy and sweet like a vanilla chai. Also a little dry.

Once steeped this tea is sweet and vanilla scented with a dark and dry under tone. As expected the tea soup is dark brown in colour.

My milk froth looks good and the chocolate powder star on the top has promise so here we go sip sip sip Taste is rather dry but sweet and vanilla, very similar to the smell. The vanilla is more sweet than creamy and has an edge that makes me think it could be artificial. The black tea is very dry and rather dull, reminds me of leaves in autumn that are so dry they crunch in your hand.

I couldn’t tell it’s decaf and neither could my husband. He did however say that it’s very plain and I have to agree. This would not be anything that I would re stock or crave. Some sweetener would be better in this if I ever receive any more samples.

Ps…my throat is so dry I had to have a cup of water after drinking this tea.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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1908 tasting notes

This was included as part of a mixed box so thankfully I don’t have any more – otherwise I’d be pretty pissed if I just spent money on a whole box of this tea.

The tea has a faintly sweet vanilla smell, but I noticed that it also has this weird chemical odor to it. I wonder if that was left behind by the decaffeination process? The taste isn’t much an improvement. It’s a thin, weak brew (though admittedly I didn’t steep it as along as I could have) and what little flavour that is there is artificial and harsh-tasting. Next time I’ll pass on this one.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec
Angrboda 15 years ago

Did you get a funky sort of rooibos-y note? I bought it to-go once and deeply regretted the choice. I thought it was the cardboard cup, but every time I see someone post about it they seem to have disliked it immensely, so I’m beginning to think it wasn’t the flavour-stealing cardboard at all…

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557 tasting notes

The vanilla in this is still too weak for my liking. A nice black tea even though it is a little on the weak side. The vanilla gets more brought out if you have peppermint beforehand. Just wish the vanilla was a little stronger.

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237 tasting notes

“Boxy” isn’t normally an adjective that would spring to mind in describing a tea, but in this case it may be apt. Yes, there is vanilla in it, but it is extremely plain tasting nevertheless. And the overall impression is that of chewing on a wet piece of cardboard. Sorry Numi, not impressed with this one.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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652 tasting notes

1 bag for 250mL water, bare.

Where’s the tea?

A pleasant vanilla taste, not perfumey, not fake, with creamy finish that reminds me of unsweetend soy milk.

But where’s the freakin TEA? I’ve kept the bag in the cup long past the recommended 5-minute max.

Vanilla-flavoured hot water. I kid you not. Grand if you want vanilla-flavoured hot water, which is soothing in and of itself, but I wanted tea. I won’t bother with this one again.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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431 tasting notes

Surprisingly subpar. Tea courtesy of the Red Carpet Club – United Airlines. A bit watery. The vanilla compliments the black based only because none are strong evenly. Overall “Meh”

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
gmathis 14 years ago

I’m not particularly impressed by any Numi tea I’ve tried up to this point.

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123 tasting notes

Tried this again tonight. Bumping down my rating because I definitely got a cardboard-y taste this time. I still don’t dislike it, but I’m sure there are nicer vanilla teas out there – not getting this one again.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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