My very last sample from Laurent of Nina’s paris.
This rooibos smells great and citrus like when dry, i also notice a few fairly large pieces of orange in the mix.
For my first cup i use boiling water and a 3min steep like usual and the color from this brew is like a dark copper ore. It smells great to. Taste wise i’m clearly making out the citrus. Its almost like a earl grey tea, but with rooibos and orange instead of black tea and bergamot. Actually thats all there is to say a good steady rooibos with a earl grey like twist. Note its not really earl grey but its very similar.
For me one off the best samples i received!
edit: apart from the orange flavors i did spot the quince, and its a nice little touch off difference. It makes it feel more warmer and richer in taste… never had quince in a tea before so had a hard time figuring it out, but it was a lot more prominent when cooler