Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
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Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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9 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown, 835. Hrm. Strong rooibos smell upon brewing, and it’s pretty strong in the flavour too. I’m getting nothing really in the way of pineapple or coconut… I would have been more apt to guess...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a sample sent to me from Laurent @ Nina’s. Thank you! I have to admit, after I gave Laurent my address, I think I was suppose to look at the catalog & pick out some teas for him to...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea is like snacking on a nice fresh slice of pineapple…if that pineapple was slightly covered in rooibos. Nonetheless it has a nice pineapple tang with a hint of sweet coconut creaminess. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Received this sample from Laurent from Thé de Paris. Thanks for letting me try it out! The sample package contains a fairly large portion off this flavored rooibos. The peaces pineapple and coconut...” Read full tasting note

From Nina's Paris

Ingredients: Rooibos, Pineapple pieces, coconut rasping, pineapple, coconut, and cream flavors

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9 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Sipdown, 835.

Hrm. Strong rooibos smell upon brewing, and it’s pretty strong in the flavour too. I’m getting nothing really in the way of pineapple or coconut… I would have been more apt to guess that this was a raspberry-flavoured tea. Maybe there’s some creaminess from the coconut…? And maybe that tartness is pineapple, not raspberry? It’s difficult to tell.

Luckily, though this tastes unmistakably of rooibos, it’s not super medicinal, so it is palatable. But, it’s nothing I’d really want to drink again unless I was desperate. I’m getting a bit of the scratchy throat feeling from it, and that’s certainly a feeling I think I should avoid.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
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JustJames 12 years ago

i have a hard time with rooiboos. good job calling them as you taste them!

Skulleigh 12 years ago

Just the name makes me pause. scans down her dashboard “Kittenna drank Cancer…” Internal conversation: Um, willingly? Oh, wait, must be a zodiac thing…

Hesper June 12 years ago

^Ha, My thoughts were similar!

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Haha – yeah the name threw me off momentarily as well!

Kristal 12 years ago

Yeah I agree….“Cancer” isn’t a tea I would be interested in trying. “Hey ____, want a cup of cancer tea?” “Uh, no thanks…..”

CHAroma 12 years ago

What on earth made Nina’s Paris think “Cancer” was a great name for a tea?? Or for anything someone would willingly consume into their bodies? No thank you!

Kittenna 12 years ago

Yeah. It’s definitely a zodiac thing, but an unfortunate name for sure. :/

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3294 tasting notes

This is a sample sent to me from Laurent @ Nina’s. Thank you!
I have to admit, after I gave Laurent my address, I think I was suppose to look at the catalog & pick out some teas for him to send. I got sidetracked & never got around to it. So I got random samples.

So…Cancer is not my sign. I’m an Aquarius. Also, I don’t usually like rooibos much, & in fact, for some reason the look of it kind of freaks me out. It just doesn’t look real, LOL. So, even though the rooibos in this blend looks creepy to me, it is the best looking rooibos I’ve seen, in that it’s not as chopped up as usual, & none of it managed to get through the filter & into my throat, so that’s a plus. I’m guessing that this is a higher grade rooibos than I usually end up with.
I decided to sample this because I’m trying not to stay up til 2am for once, so I’m avoiding caffeine for the evening in an effort to wind down. Initially, the rooibos taste was fairly strong, but then the pineapple flavor really stepped forward. The coconut was there too. I’ve still been working on restringing that harp (only 2 octaves to go), so my tea had a chance to cool a bit, & the flavors really blended together beautifully. It was quite good!

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6444 tasting notes

This tea is like snacking on a nice fresh slice of pineapple…if that pineapple was slightly covered in rooibos. Nonetheless it has a nice pineapple tang with a hint of sweet coconut creaminess.

I think in my effort to find more caffeine-free options, I have become more tolerant of rooibos. Thus, this, and other Nina’s rooibos teas, have proven to be nice additions to my cupboard as the rooibos isn’t woodsy or medicinal like others and they have a nice amount of the other flavors as well.

Ubacat 11 years ago

Is that the name of the tea? Cancer? A strange name for tea.

VariaTEA 11 years ago

All their rooibos teas are named after signs of the zodiac. Out of context it is certainly a strange choice though.

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113 tasting notes

Received this sample from Laurent from Thé de Paris. Thanks for letting me try it out!

The sample package contains a fairly large portion off this flavored rooibos. The peaces pineapple and coconut are fairly big, at least bigger then i first expected. Flavor wise in the dry rooibos i notice the pineapple tropical smell…

Making a brew for almost 5min, the color looks a nice color brown just like the rooibos i tryed from jing. Have to say this is my very first rooibos with a other taste in it so i’m curious!

I do let my cup cool down so i can get the more subtle tastes off of my cup. The quality off the rooibos is pretty high. I’m tasting the pineapple but its pretty light in taste, more hint off pineapple then full flavor, just like with the coconut.

Overall this is a very nice refreshing drink, its different and thats a good thing!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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17027 tasting notes

Sipdown (184/186)!

Well, kind of a sipdown. I’ll get to that.

Anyway, thanks to VariaTEA for this sample. I was pretty “meh” about it as a hot tea, mostly because the coconut was coming off as incredibly buttery in a really unwelcome way. I thought I’d try cold brewing it, because Coconut typically cold brews well. So this was cold brewed then brought to work.

I still found it to be really buttery – in fact maybe more so this way. I really didn’t enjoy it that much; buttered pineapple should not be a thing. Ick. This is definitely better hot, but still pretty mediocre overall.

The reason this is only “sort of” a sipdown because I left half a thermos of this at work, along with another Timolino. They’re in a safe place – but I had just finished arming the store/locking everything when I realized I’d left them behind. So, my tea gets to sit and hang out in store until I work again on Tuesday morning.


Flavors: Butter

VariaTEA 11 years ago

I am sorry you didn’t like it so much. I never noticed the butter quality but I will be sure to look for it now.

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