Tea type
Rooibos Tea
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Apricot, Cream, Peach
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Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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14 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I made a whole Mason Jar of this tea and though it is still good, the subtleties of the flavor is a bit drowned out by the sheer surplus of tea. This certainly lends itself better to a much smaller...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Lala for this sample I didn’t read the description until after I had drank the tea. To me, this tea was woodsy, a little fruity but I wouldn’t have said peach specifically. Somehow, I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Nina’s Paris USA via Kittenna for this sample. The dry tea smells strongly of rooibos, there is a nutty or woody scent. The flavour of the brewed tea is very strongly rooibos. There is...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is my favorite sample from Nina’s. I can taste the rooibos, slightly woody. The apricot flavor comes through strong but not too strong, hints of peach and it is very creamy. The tea is fine on...” Read full tasting note

From Nina's Paris

Ingredients: Rooibos, blue mallow, peach, apricot, and cream flavors

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14 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

I made a whole Mason Jar of this tea and though it is still good, the subtleties of the flavor is a bit drowned out by the sheer surplus of tea. This certainly lends itself better to a much smaller cup size.


They really need to make a smaller version of the mason jar, if you ask me.


I think I will enjoy this in teacups.


Like an empty baby food jar, keychange? :P

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1184 tasting notes

Thank you Lala for this sample
I didn’t read the description until after I had drank the tea. To me, this tea was woodsy, a little fruity but I wouldn’t have said peach specifically. Somehow, I tasted mint in this tea. My husband even commented that it smelt like mint. Weird. Maybe it got contaminated because I had it in a container with a whole bunch of other samples.

So, I had already drank it when I read the description and couldn’t go back to see if there was peach notes or not. I am not going to rate this.

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871 tasting notes

Thank you Nina’s Paris USA via Kittenna for this sample.

The dry tea smells strongly of rooibos, there is a nutty or woody scent.

The flavour of the brewed tea is very strongly rooibos. There is still a nutty flavour. The tea is very creamy. There is a very slight fruit flavour. I am not sure if I would say it was peach or apricot without reading the description of this tea first.

Overall the tea is good. I am just not a huge rooibos fan.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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94 tasting notes

This is my favorite sample from Nina’s. I can taste the rooibos, slightly woody. The apricot flavor comes through strong but not too strong, hints of peach and it is very creamy. The tea is fine on its own but I added just a few drops of cream, no sugar needed. This is a good dessert tea for the evening, and because there is no caffeine I do not have to worry about it keeping me up all night.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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391 tasting notes

This is a pretty good one, thanks for the sample Laurent. I kind of forgot it so it must have steeped like 10+ minutes but still turned out good. It totally does taste like peaches, apricot and cream but the taste changes as it cools. I tasted more cream when it was hotter and then at the end the apricot was strongest. I wonder how why they chose this flavoring for Scorpio? I would’ve thought something bolder but its nice. I like samples, I like apricot but not a lot so I don’t think I’d buy it to drink often.

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4334 tasting notes

This one is from my swap with madametj. I was happy to see it since I’ve been curious about these zodiac teas for a while, and I’ve only tried one so far (Taurus). There are a few purple flowers mixed in with the red rooibos base. Dry scent is kind of sour, which is odd.

The steeped tea smells a bit like pickles for whatever reason… It kind of tastes like pickles, too? Not sure what’s going on there. If I really think about it, I can taste apricot and peach with cream, but my tongue really thinks it’s pickle tea. :P

Flavors: Apricot, Cream, Peach

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

Ha! So it’s not just me! I totally got the pickle taste too and thought I had done something wrong.

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1781 tasting notes

I received a sample of this from Variatea! Thanks! :)

On the first sip, my immediate thought was “pickle juice?!”. What the? Even after reading that it is supposed to be apricot and cream, I still get that. There is this tang that is mildly pickley. When I sweeten it, it just tastes like a sweet version of what I was tasting. I don’t know what I did to this sample or what I had it next to that it may have been absorbing odd flavors from, but this is not right! It is actually making me laugh a bit. My husband tried a sip and said that he tastes fruit, but also what I was talking about. I will definitely give this another go someday and see what I make of it then!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Pickle juice? That is an interesting thing to taste. Gotta love how everyone experiences everything differently.


I know, right?! There was one tea that tasted like baby powder and raisins to me while everyone else was getting lovely florals.


Oh no. Well I am sorry that was the taste you were getting. I will be sure to look for it in my next cup :)

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726 tasting notes

Tea from VariaTEA!
Also a sipdown which is pretty great :)

Dude. All these rooibos teas are starting to taste very similar to each other. Like this one and a whole lot of other rooibos teas, all I can taste is the rooibos and the other flavouring just gets lost. This is one of the ones where the apricot/peach/cream gets overshadowed by the woodsy rooibos.
It’s just… rooibos.

Thank you, Rachel, for the tea! Especially all the rooibos! But my tastebuds are just generalizing all these rooibos teas as a regular rooibos. It’s all good though :)


Oh no. I have had that happen too. I am sorry this one was not more flavorful for you. Nina’s rooibos is pretty strong though. I think once I got used to it, I was able to detect more of the flavors but initially I had the same experience as you. Oh, also, these teas are best when made in smaller cups. I know that is weird but I swear it tasted better in my 4 oz tea cup than it did in my 12 oz mug.


Yeah, the rooibos base is pretty strong! Such a shame that it overpowers the other flavours. I’ll definitely do as you suggested next time. Drink in smaller batches rather than one massive 12oz mug :)

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