Himalayan Masala

Tea type
Black Chai Blend
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Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Tea, Sweet, Wood
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Edit tea info Last updated by Starfevre
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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From Nepali Tea Traders

A traditional Nepali black spiced tea. Cinnamon, cardamom, ginger and a touch of pepper create a delightful fragrance and a light, flavorful cup of tea. The tea comes in elegant pyramid bags, making the tea convenient to brew at home, in your office, or on the go.

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4 Tasting Notes

122 tasting notes

I bought this looseleaf product with uncertainty, which was ultimately rewarded, because I really liked it! I was eager to explore tea from Nepal because a coworker was from that Himalayan country. This is a spiced black tea, and the label lists “CTC, black pepper, cloves, green cardamom, cinnamon, ginger flavors”. Although it is unclear if this is a highlight of components, or a comprehensive ingredient list. Did they forget a comma after the word ginger? Or, is it really just ginger flavor?

I brewed as directed: 1 tsp in 8 oz 200°F water for3 minutes. The aroma of the brew matches that of the dry leaf: cinnamon, clove, cardamom, and black pepper. The golden-brown tea has discernible flavors exactly matching the ingredients. It was cardamom-forward, with cinnamon and clove warming the mouth, perked up by ginger and black pepper. Underneath it all was a generic black tea, possibly an assamica varietal from the neighboring Indian district of Assam. As the tea cooled, the clove became more pronounced, and the black pepper could be felt tingling the back roof of my mouth. There was a lingering aftertaste of cinnamon and clove. One thing I appreciated is that the cinnamon did not overwhelm the blend. The label also mentioned a single re-steeping of 3 min., which also produced a deep amber liquor with less intense flavor and aroma. In the second infusion, cinnamon sang from the driver’s seat with cardamom accompanying in the rear, and everything else providing a soothing chorus from the metaphorical trunk. I recommend this tea without hesitation, and rate it as an 85. Of the five teas I bought from Nepali Tea Traders, this was my favorite!

Flavors: Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Tea

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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526 tasting notes

Good morning! I woke up this morning, and my house was freezing. I needed something to warm me up, so I picked this. I had almost forgotten about it actually, so i’m glad I still had this. I brewed this up in my porcelain mug. I’ve been wanting to try this piece out for awhile too. The little silken pyramids are pretty, but they do not have a string and tag. It is very to hard and painful to pick a sac out of boiling tea. I really wish they would have a string. Anyways, the aroma is that of a classic chai. My tea room is filled with cardamom and cinnamon with an underlying sweetness. The flavor is very subtle. The initial sip starts with a sharp spice but quickly shortens to a smooth and light body. This is a very light chai, and this would be perfect for someone just starting out on chai. It warmed me up and now the suns out. I liked it as a quick brew.


Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Sweet, Wood

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

I prefer brewing my chai with loose tea on the stove top but this is an exception.


As do I. This is the first tea Masala chai that I’ve tried.

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296 tasting notes

Finally got time to try the sample from Nepali Tea Traders! I brewed this at work and almost completely forgot when I got caught up doing something else. thank goodness I was able to save it from oversteeped hell just in time. I was nervous at the first sip and was bracing myself for a bitter brew, but thankfully only sweet, sweet smooth masala was there to comfort me. This was a great sample, with all the right spice, sweetness and bread-like malty qualities I like in a chai. It packs the beast ratio of chai ‘punch’. I actually like the sachet it came in. it’s a convenient way for me to make a good cuppa at work without the fuss.

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199 tasting notes

Steeped up my sample from Nepali Tea Traders this morning!

So, I decidedly love chai – the strong robust flavors, spicing hitting you from every direction.. Not so in this cup! This is a very mild black tea base with a subtle and non-bitter taste. The chai spices of cinnamon, cardamom, and clove come through just as gently, creating a full experience without the “in your face” impact of a typical chai.

I think the tea smells like a spiced hong cha, very gentle in the base tea. I brewed one of the pyramid bags in the sample in 16oz of 200 degree water for 3 minutes. The resulting brew color is a dark amber. The taste is strangely spicy with a certain sweetness on the back. The flavor does not cling to the tongue, creating a smooth finish with no lingering bitterness or astringency. Definitely an enjoyable and unique blend!

Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Too be quite honest I think spicing that is not in your face is actually more authentic than the peppery taste we have for it in NA. This is only in reference to my experiences in North and central India. I do enjoy a hot spicy Chai, but the subtler ones are the ones that bring back memories.

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