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Green Tea
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2 Tasting Notes

17027 tasting notes

Strange VariaTEA TTB: Tea #14

Cold Brew!

Finally wrapped up the last few teas from the box that I wanted to try. The ingredients list on this one was really out there, which is why I wanted to try it. It actually reminded me a lot of DT’s Echinacea Shield in that it had a unique balance of herbaceous flavours and fruits. However, this was majority sage forward in terms of the herbaceous notes and then more of a red fruit flavour versus the mango that is in Echinacea Shield. I liked it much more than I expected to, and I even debated keeping the rest of the bag.

However, it’s so unique and interesting that I’d feel bad not giving other people a chance to try it out – so I left it in the box.

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6444 tasting notes

This one did not appeal to me at all when I saw it in my My Tea Box subscription. Its a green tea with mango and a bunch of herbs. Not really my thing but I figured I should at least try it. Sipping on it now, its fine…better than expected, but still not a favorite. I am tossing it into the TTB.

As for what its like, its got a generic fruitiness to it. It has rosemary, which smelled fairly strong but it rather subtle in flavor. I am happy about that but I suppose others may be disappointed. The base does not contribute much. Instead its a light fruity sweetness with some herbs running along side the fruit. Nothing is too in-your-face and for those that enjoy herbal flavors in their tea, this might even be quite nice.

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