Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Not available
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Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
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From Mulberry Creek Traditionals

Super ImmuniTea – a powerful immune-boosting organic herbal tea blend for colds/flus & seasonal support

This delicious, immune-boosting herbal tea is packed with organic medicinal-quality herbs that support the immune system and help ward off colds, flus, and other nasty bugs that can slow you down. A blend of powerful anti-viral and anti-inflammatory herbs such as echinacea, elder berries, and turmeric root, this tea packs a mean medicinal punch. I take it at the first sign of illness and whenever I’m feeling run down and know my immune system could use a boost.

Ingredients: echinacea root & herb, rosehips, elderberries, turmeric root, eleuthero root, ginger root, elderflowers, astralagus root, nettle leaf, peppermint, cinnamon, licorice root, lemon balm, sage, lemon thyme, calendula flowers

About Mulberry Creek Traditionals View company

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Tasting Notes

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