Yunnan red “Wild tea” from Fengqing (Linzang County).
In appearance: long, burgundy-brown flagella of twisted leaves with thin cuttings. The fragrance is deep, with berry and woody hints. The liquor is transparent, with hazelnut shade.
The bouquet of ready-made tea is refined and warm, multifaceted, with spicy, woody, honey and citrus notes. The fragrance is deep and warm, calming. The taste is rich and full-bodied, delicate, a bit tart, sweetish, with light citrus sourness and lingering finish.
Brew tea with hot water (95°С) in a gaiwan or in a teapot of porous clay. The proportion is 4-5 g per 100 ml. The time of the first steeping is about 6-8 seconds. After that do short steeps (just for 2-3 seconds), increasing steeping time for each subsequent step, if necessary. You can repeat this method up to 10 times.
Refined, bright and multifaceted Yunnan red “Wild tea” is a perfect choice for a solemn occasion or a special tea mood.