Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by mrmopar
Average preparation
Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 7 g 3 oz / 100 ml

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4 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thank you mrmopar for this sample Pu-erh tea! Fall is in the air. Soon (real soon) the tree branches will begin turning color in a way that I never experienced living in Northern California (only...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve been sipping on this puerh for a while today – figured it would help me stay awake and give me a chance to drink through a number of steepings. This was sent to me by Boychik a long while...” Read full tasting note

From Menghai Tea Factory(from berylleb ebay)

8592 Ripe Pu-erh Tea is one of classic Ripe Pu-erh Tea Cakes. Deleloped in 1985 for derect sales to the Hong Kong Nantian Trading Company. The waapper was stamped in purple with the Chinese word for “Sky”. This is the famoru " Sky Cake" or “Purple Sky” that Pu-erh hobbyists speak of. It yields a ligh, bright broth with a rich aged flavor with sweet and smooth undertones.

About Menghai Tea Factory(from berylleb ebay) View company

Company description not available.

4 Tasting Notes

676 tasting notes

Thank you mrmopar for this sample Pu-erh tea!

Fall is in the air. Soon (real soon) the tree branches will begin turning color in a way that I never experienced living in Northern California (only sunny or rainy seasons there).
When the wind flutters the golden leaves of the Aspens you can almost hear them sing. And the radiance at this altitude is amazing!
We have funny shaped clouds. (I remember seeing clouds like this flying over the Andes long ago on my way to Peru) Strange shaped discs like the ‘flying saucers’ people seem to see now and then glimmering in the sunlight. I like them. http://youtu.be/vnyqLc8m41A
This is a youtube sample of clouds and here is a photo I took at Tahoe (I think it looks like a monster…it lasted all day without moving!) http://flic.kr/p/cVLomU
If I were telling tall tales I would make up a story about Angels skipping stones in the sky.

I was drinking this Pu-erh today, and at one point in the sipping, there was a flavor that reminded me of sprouts from the days when sprouts were all the rage in salads and whole grain sandwiches. Organic green bushy bundles like moss. I like watching moss on rocks in a stream…watching water pass over it…pulling at the fronds like wisps of hair.

Pu-erh is especially comforting in the Fall and Winter months. The organic smell and feel of it makes me wish I could be at the tea farm surrounded with lots of bark and furry scent.

I steeped this Pu-er 30 seconds each steep and the liquor was honey brown only on the first steep, then became dark coffee brown on later steepings.
Oh do I love to push my nose into the Gaiwan and smell the wet leaves! (It makes me happy!)
First the leaves were like steaming warm toast! Later, the wet leaves were sourdough baked bread and last an almost cocoa baked bread.

I’ve never likened a tea to drinking wet hot towels but…hum…this is what came to mind. The flavor was barely savory and later on a lightbulb went off in my head and I said, “Alfalfa sprouts!” (Which is where all the previous blubberings came from about moss and all).

The second steeping was pure satin, very smooth and sweet. I couldn’t figure out what the fruity flavor was and sat for a time sipping and rolling the tea around in my mouth.
Burgundy black cherry with a peppery finish. That’s what I got.

My last steeping was smooth, sweet with a dryness on the top of my tongue which wasn’t present previously.
The flavor of the tea was like an unsalted water cracker. Really.
No earthiness at this point. Just a bit savory.

There’s rain in the forecast.
Cooking with tea is fun! Here’s what I did with this Pu-erh…
For dinner I made a 5 Spice chicken with some of this Pu-erh and Tamari Soy Sauce (I sprinkled a little extra ginger and Ponzu on also… and baked it in the oven slowly for an hour. Meanwhile…I made some curried veggies. I steamed rice with chicken broth and a little Pu-erh, added a few smoked peppercorns and a little butter. All three dishes were perfect.
Sweet Spicy Chicken, Curried hot Veggies, Creamy, Buttery Rice (not sticky)just perfectly fluffy and rich.

Another lovely Pu from mrmopar…thank you!


i love tamari ponzu and ginger. i just did black bean chicken yesterday to go with my smooth as jade mengai pu-erh! you got to send me your 5 spice recipe for this! glad you are enjoying the tea will send you some more soon!


Uh, I just made it up. I’ll have to remember exactly what I did.


“Angels skipping stones in the sky.” What a potent, charming vision Bonnie!


ha! i just create also when i cook i have a cupboard with as many spices as i have teas( well almost). i am notorious for just creating some thing out of the blue.i really want to try a tea smoked chicken on the grill soon.


I have tons of herbs and spices too. My town has two spice shops (Savory Spice Shop…look it up…was on Food Network)
is fabulous and the other is Town Spice Shop. Back in San Jose,CA there were NO spice shops, just grocery stores.


Alex, you know what I mean because you’ve seen the flat pebble clouds we have at this altitude. Like when you skip stones across a pond.

Autumn Hearth

Lovely images (with your words) and the photo reminds me of a much more elegant version of the dog dragon from The Neverending Story!


Ahhh, Peru :) A couple of years back, I went on a trip with my family to Peru! What did you see? We started with the Amazon, it was amazing! I remember the boat ride… And the abrupt transition to the muddy brown water that is the Amazon!( some would say mineral rich instead of muddy) Lol and the open rafter lodgings complete with single beds covered by mosquito netting, which was a bit intimidating. Also the misfortune of scratching some part of my body that had deet on it, and proceeding to rub my eyes…that was a very uncomfortable half hour or so :(
Seeing a baby anaconda “kept” as a pet, along with a baby sloth! Omg I love sloths! They are so ugly, they are cute in a weird sort of way! I got to hold it too, so funny how it’s arms and feet would move around in slow motion! I used to chase lizards and snakes as a kid, and was lucky to spot a poison dart frog at night, to the surprise of our guide! It was a blast.

From there we went to Machu Pichu, which is absolutely stunning! The altitude took some getting used to, but it was worth it. To be honest, I had a harder time in Cusco, which I believe is around 10 or 11k in elevation, as opposed to the 7k or so of MP. Lol and yes, I know what guinea pig tastes like…My sister wouldnt have any part of that though, reminded her of a pet guinea pig she had when she was younger!

How were your travels? What did you see, where did you go? Oh, and my best friend, who used to live down the street from me, lives in Tahoe! Such a beautiful place!

Ok ive officially been awake too long and am beginning to ramble :) Time for some sleep! Thank you for your always very descriptive tasting note, Bonnie :)


What a nice review! fall is also setting in here, the days are still hot, but the nights are cooler…I also live at high altitude in the Laurentians and our color fest is about to begin! But I’ve never seen funny clouds like yours…they do look like flying saucers:-)


HyBr1d I was at my Aunt and Uncle’s home at Christmas (Summertime there) outside of Lima years ago. They were Linguists and lived for most of their lives in Lima and the jungle beginning around 1940 (my Uncle is 92 and writing his memoirs). My girl cousins and I went to Huaraz in the State of Ancash were American tourists don’t usually go. 15,000 up by bus in 1 day, and mountain peaks above us! The men would walk past me “Ay Dios Mio!” and look me up and down at 5’9" imagining how much work I could do planting potato and alfalfa for the cooey (which I also ate). (Cooey is guinea pig). I had many great adventures involving guns and tanks and robbers and curfews and bombs at my Uncles office and things like that. I was there a month. Ah, Peru.
Glad you had a wonderful time!!!


That’s very interesting! Yes, I know a bit about Lima, it was where we started and ended our Peruvian trip :) I think that we were in Lima for about 3 or 4 days total…not exactly sure. I remember the mall that overlooks the pacific, while it may be a bit touristy, it was fun! Good for your Aunt and Uncle :) they have some amazing longevity, and I’m am sure are very interesting people to stay with! I had a great time, and hope to go back to the amazon at some point in my life! After Peru, we went to Ecuador. From there, we went to the Galapagos islands for about a week. That was much more fun for my mom and sister, I had fun too, but there is just something about the rainforest that makes me feel content… Keep up the great stories!


Thanks and keep traveling. I hope I can travel with my granddaughters. My next small jaunt is an hour away to the Highland games in Estes Park at 7000ft it’s the biggest in the U.S. and I was able to get my condo for a night. Should be fun to hear the Tattoo of pipers ring through the Rocky Mountains!

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15267 tasting notes

I’ve been sipping on this puerh for a while today – figured it would help me stay awake and give me a chance to drink through a number of steepings. This was sent to me by Boychik a long while ago, but i haven’t had a chance to get to it yet. That’s the other reason i figured i should spend some time with puerh for this month’s overnight.

I generally did about 30 second steeps with this one and with the occasional longer steep. I don’t recall much beyond my initial surprise at the first steep of this. It was incredibly smooth and sweet…i couldn’t place the sweetness but it reminded me of some sort of fruit. On the whole, it was a really enjoyable experience.


Yay. Sorry you have to work that crazy hours.


i’m back to only have to do this once a month until january, so it’s not so bad. No more travelling, so this is easy stuff!

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