2015 Yunnan Menghai Dayi Lucky Elephant Mountain High Grade Raw Puer Tea

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Bitter, Cherry Wood, Graham, Seaweed, Smoke, Sweet, Apricot
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Average preparation
Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 8 g 4 oz / 125 ml

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4 Tasting Notes View all

  • “A very nice Dayi raw. I’d even put this one up against some of the boutique pu erhs and I would venture to guess it would hold up well in comparison. The liquor is gold. It is fairly sweet, with...” Read full tasting note
  • “I have to admit right now that after drinking W2T’s Rapave, all other raw pu’erhs have new standards to meet. This tea has one great mouth with a nice spunk to its taste. One can tell that it is a...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was a wonderful brew! The dry beeng is loosely threaded thick roots of dark green with slight platinum and brass dustings. They have a very strong smoky aroma. I placed a generous amount of...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea is excellent. It is slightly bitter in the early steeps. There was a bitter aftertaste that never completely went away. There was a certain sweetness from the beginning, you might describe...” Read full tasting note

From Menghai Tea Factory (berylleb on ebay)

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4 Tasting Notes

289 tasting notes

A very nice Dayi raw. I’d even put this one up against some of the boutique pu erhs and I would venture to guess it would hold up well in comparison. The liquor is gold. It is fairly sweet, with some honey and Lucky Charms notes. A very easy drinker with just a touch of bitterness. King Tea sells this for $32 for a full size cake, I think this one is well worth the price and a good one to shove away for the future.

mrmopar 7 years ago

The price is still down on eBay as well. Good value. I remember the 2006 one..

tea123 7 years ago

Care to share which boutique tea you are thinking of?

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1113 tasting notes

I have to admit right now that after drinking W2T’s Rapave, all other raw pu’erhs have new standards to meet.

This tea has one great mouth with a nice spunk to its taste. One can tell that it is a new cake, but that does not mean that it has astringency all throughout it; in fact, after steep 4 was smooth sailing for me. The liquid has medium thickness as I swish it around in my mouth. My favorite part of this tea is the lingering taste that has to go for at least four minutes… but I’m not sure its longevity because I have to keep drinking to remember its taste or my mouth will be mad at me.

Personally, I think the semi dry mouth that comes with the great feeling will dissipate over the years. I’d love to taste this one in a few years… which means I may end up picking up a cake if it combats with the Yunann Sourcing cake I just bought. Thankfully I have enough of each to have steeping battle between the two (aka, comparison)

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526 tasting notes

This was a wonderful brew! The dry beeng is loosely threaded thick roots of dark green with slight platinum and brass dustings. They have a very strong smoky aroma. I placed a generous amount of leaf in my warmed yixing, so that these tendrils would awaken. The warmed leaf gave off a bitter seaweed aroma. I brewed this Dayi beauty up. The flavor is truly beautiful. This brew is silky smooth with a thick mouthfeel. I was getting a graham cracker pie crust tone with sweet apricot. This drink has a lasting huigan, yet it is also complemented with a tasteful bitterness. This bitterness lasts throughout the session. My yixing yielded a thick orange broth for a decent amount of steepings. However, I did need to add an extra gram to my pot at about the third steeping, for I wanted a thicker more powerful brew. The cha qi from this session is rather strong. I acquired a full head and smooth body feel, in which I thoroughly enjoyed. I really liked this brew, and I am happy to have been guided towards acquiring it.


Flavors: Bitter, Cherry Wood, Graham, Seaweed, Smoke, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 8 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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1758 tasting notes

This tea is excellent. It is slightly bitter in the early steeps. There was a bitter aftertaste that never completely went away. There was a certain sweetness from the beginning, you might describe it as apricot depending on your point of view. While I can’t use the term tea drunk, this tea had a relaxing effect on me and I believe a strong cha qi. This was overall an enjoyable tea.

I steeped this tea ten times in a 150ml gaiwan with 8g leaf and boiling water. I gave it a 10 second rinse and a 10 minute rest. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, and 1 minute. This was a high quality tea with nice looking leaves. The leaves were not finished even though I was. The tea liquid was still a nice color of yellow in the tenth steep. I am sure this tea would have gone fifteen or more steeps.

Flavors: Apricot, Bitter, Sweet

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 8 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

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