Belgium Chocolate Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Matcha Powder, Natural Flavours
Chocolate, Green, Orange, Sweet, Cocoa, Cream, Grass, Hay, Seaweed, Vegetal
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 6 min, 0 sec 11 oz / 317 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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58 Tasting Notes View all

  • “It is about 10:30 pm where I am and I was thinking I would switch to caffeine free options but then I realized that I only ate lunch about an hour ago so maybe it is not too late to enjoy my tasty,...” Read full tasting note
  • “And another matcha gone! (74) This time I had it with hot water, as usually intended. It’s more bitter than I’m used to when I drink it in milk, and the chocolate isn’t quite as stand-out-ish, but...” Read full tasting note
  • “Azzrian…if I bounce off the walls later – it’s YOUR Fault! LOL :) It’s a MATCHA-Thon, folks! Who’s IN? Here’s my first Matcha of my matcha-thon. It’s been a while since my last sip of this. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Believe it or not… I had not had this until today! Wow – I am surprised at just how good this is! One reason chocolate was never something I wanted to order is because well – its chocolate – and...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

This dessert-like drink will knock your socks off! We’ve combined our fabulous USDA organic Matcha Tea with cocoa powder to make a sweet drink everyone will love and crave. This is an amazing beverage that can be served any time to anybody. Not only does this tea offer all the health benefits of Royal Matcha Green Tea, it gives a little chocolate kick you are sure to love. This dessert-style beverage is healthy, tasty and will make you smile.

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58 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

It is about 10:30 pm where I am and I was thinking I would switch to caffeine free options but then I realized that I only ate lunch about an hour ago so maybe it is not too late to enjoy my tasty, tasty caffeinated teas. So, rather than going for yogurt, I am having my first of possible two matchas. I think the more I drink this one, the more I enjoy it and pick up on its chocolatey goodness. That is probably a good thing because I have A LOT of it thanks to the wonderful MissB and her awesome stash sale.

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Yvonne 11 years ago

10:30pm for lunch? Haha, better late than never I suppose! :)

VariaTEA 11 years ago

Well I was in class and then went to the gym and it all sorta worked out that lunch got pushed back. I don’t usually go to bed until 3:00 am so I suppose my schedule is just shifted to be later than everyone elses :P

Yvonne 11 years ago

Lol, I know the feeling – I went a few summers being nocturnal when I was younger. It was fun at first, but then I started getting so lonely being the only one awake!

VariaTEA 11 years ago

Haha. This schedule is going on almost 5 years now :P. I even refuse to take classes that are earlier than 11:30 (and even those are avoided if I can) so I can sleep in.

Fjellrev 11 years ago

It is so hard to adjust the sleeping schedule eh? I’m not a morning person either. Classes before 10:30am are the devil.

VariaTEA 11 years ago

I have lucked out and been able to avoid them for the most part of school. My roommate, on the other hand, is not so lucky. We actually figured out that this semester she wakes up 2 hours after I go to sleep.

I will say though that if I am getting paid, I do wake up early. In fact, when I was working retail I would prefer to go in for 7 am and get 2 hours, customer free, to do stuff than to go in for 9 am.

keychange 11 years ago

Haha. I only took classes if they were a) not too early and b) not on Fridays. But I hear you on being paid being a motivation to get up early, although these days, I’d ditch the money for extra sleep. But here’s to messed up sleep schedules!

VariaTEA 11 years ago

haha keychange, guess who also has avoided Friday classes :P. My weekend has already begun. Plus Monday’s earliest class is 2:30 so no fear of having my weekend ruined by having to be up early the next day.

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

I feel so sorry for your roommate, VariaTEA! I’m so glad I have a flexible work schedule. As long as I get everything done I need to, I can work pretty much whatever hours I want. Earlier is better for productivity, but I love being there after everyone’s gone home for the day. :)

yyz 11 years ago

I had a friend who was an English major with a math minor. She was very nocturnal. So she would go to her Afternoon and Evening English classes, stay up all night than go to her am math classes then return home to sleep.

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

I was doing that at one point. Classes in the morning, nap, go to work, nap, etc. I couldn’t do that now though. O.o

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1598 tasting notes

And another matcha gone! (74) This time I had it with hot water, as usually intended. It’s more bitter than I’m used to when I drink it in milk, and the chocolate isn’t quite as stand-out-ish, but it’s still a little creamy and sweet.

I would definitely restock this.

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VariaTEA 11 years ago

That was how I first tried it so when I made it with milk it definitely made for a tastier cup

VariaTEA 11 years ago

Thanks once again for sharing with me

TeaLady441 11 years ago

I’m happy you enjoyed it!

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6768 tasting notes

Azzrian…if I bounce off the walls later – it’s YOUR Fault! LOL :)

It’s a MATCHA-Thon, folks! Who’s IN?

Here’s my first Matcha of my matcha-thon.
It’s been a while since my last sip of this. I usually do a double shot of this…I can taste the chocolate more-so in the after taste – it’s still true green tea//matcha taste upfront…first and foremost.

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Azzrian 13 years ago

Haha same to ya woman! I just had my first for the marathon too! Have to go get daughter from work soon but will do round 2 upon my return! :)
Haha lucky for me perhaps or unlucky I only have a handful of matcha to try! HAHA how many are you down or ummm UP for? LOL

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

I’ll do as many as I can in the next 3 hours :)
BTW…I’m sending you the rest of the B.Chocolate, here, and will send you the Organic one I am about to post :) Found out I had way more than I thought I did :)

Azzrian 13 years ago

OMG I love you lol

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

teehee…yay…I love being loved :)

Azzrian 13 years ago

I have to run get the daughter lol be back for more soon!

Sil 13 years ago

oh man…. your reviews are trying to lead me into starting up with matchas!

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807 tasting notes

Believe it or not… I had not had this until today!
Wow – I am surprised at just how good this is!
One reason chocolate was never something I wanted to order is because well – its chocolate – and I am such a chocolate snob I didn’t want to be disappointed, I mean also if I want chocolate (when don’t I?) I figured I would just have chocolate – not chocolate matcha BUT
This has such a really great chocolate flavor … and this is not even robust or distinctive flavor! I mean I can only imagine how crazy good this would be in a stronger flavor – or perhaps being more delicate is why it is so good – Whatever – its awesome!
I can’t even get my mind around it right now its so yummy!
Whatever preconceived notions I had before are gone.

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TheTeaFairy 12 years ago

You are Steepster’s official Matcha Diva :-) I think Red Leaf tea in particular owes you royalties on all the sales your lovely reviews helped generate!!

Azzrian 12 years ago

Aweeee your sweet. Thank you. I am just happy that they exist and offer all these matcha flavors!
I do actually have some extras I got today for sharing if you would like some. I was going to make a post on it but my energy has been low today.
PM me if you are interested and I can tell you what I have to share!

Rachel Sincere 12 years ago

Chocolate matcha! My goodness. I don’t know if I’d been brave enough to try it. I’m glad you did!

Sil 12 years ago

Extras? Sharing? Aaaaaahhhhh!

Violet 12 years ago

Yes please? And is the chocolate tastable?

TranquilRaven 12 years ago

Sounds delicious.

Autistic Goblin 12 years ago

I can’t remember if I added this on my last order if not it’s definitely going on the next one :D

jemm 12 years ago

Hello, I’ve been reading your reviews and I looked into review writing discounts on red leaf tea’s website and it says that the 15 dollar discount will only take up to 30% off the next order. How are you getting it so it is free? “Each review will be rewarded with $15 Gift Certificate*, which can cover 30% of your total purchase price**.”- The site. I ended up buying the royal matcha and mocha flavored last night, I cannot wait til I get my shipment.

Azzrian 12 years ago

Hi :) Their program has changed since those reviews were written – it changed only recently – less than a month ago I think.

jemm 12 years ago

Darn. Thanks for the speedy reply.

Azzrian 12 years ago

most welcome. Its still an awesome deal though and I hope you love your matcha! I know I sure do :)

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15606 tasting notes

Sipdown on this one as well since the last little bit of this is on it’s way out to a friend. I had a last cup of this straight since this is usually one of those matcha that i add to my coffee matcha to make it the sort of mocha matcha i want red leaf’s mocha matcha to be. On it’s own it’s still quite good but it will always be a matcha i add to other concoctions rather than one that i drink on my own. Still though, that’s likely reason enough to rotate it in!

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516 tasting notes

Well well, here’s another matcha that took my tastebuds by surprise. I ordered the Belgium Chocolate matcha expecting, well, I didn’t know what to expect! Haha.
I’ve never had a chocolate flavoured green tea before, but for some reason I didn’t even blink or flinch at the thought of a chocolate matcha. It must be the faith in flavour that Red Leaf has instilled in me – if cotton candy works, why not chocolate, right?

There were a few more reasons I sprung for the chocolate – I had also ordered the strawberry and knew they would make an amazing pair! (Chocolate covered strawberry matcha, how sexy!), but I also have caramel and cheesecake matchas which it would also blend well with! Let’s not forget a chocolate covered banana iced latte (might add a little bit of english toffee in there as well for a Skor effect!)

What can I say? I feel like a matcha mad scientist. I’ve got a blending itch that I have to scratch!

What took me by surprise was just how chocolaty the smell and flavour was! The cocoa powder used in the blend must be of quality, because it is leagues better than the no-name powder in my cupboard. It’s silky and rich and has the quality of drinking chocolate. When I’m drinking it straight, I’m tempted to throw in a dash of cinnamon and cayenne for a Mexican hot chocolate flavour. Or maybe experiment on the savoury side with a matcha mole sauce – I would definitely be feeling like a mad scientist with that one, but hey why not! If the Food Network did something like that no one would bat an eye ;)

So far my favourite way to enjoy this matcha is as a hot latte with all the fixings! I whisk up 1.5 teaspoons of matcha with just enough water (175 F) to make a paste. I then add about a half of cup of water (same temp) and sweetener (white sugar for me) and whisk some more to dissolve the sugar. A simple syrup would also work! Now I heat up ½ cup milk and cream (half and half) in the microwave and froth it up with my milk frother. Add the half and half to your matcha, top with whipped cream and chocolate shavings! This treat is oh so comforting, and could even be recreated with soy/almond milk or 1% for a light but indulgent treat!

Before this matcha I hadn’t found a flavoured tea of ANY kind that was a “replacement” for treats. Yes, I am in love with the cheesecake matcha – but it doesn’t replace my cravings for a big fatty piece of creamy thick cheesecake. Nor does a chocolate cake tea turn me away from the frozen McCains delight sitting in my freezer. This tea, however, DOES cure my craving for chocolate and hot chocolate! Sometimes I get a real hankering for a package of powdered hot “chocolate” – but I don’t even consider this a “substitute” – it’s the real thing!

Find it here:

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Azzrian 13 years ago

Oh you inspire me! :)

tigress_al 13 years ago

I NEED to get this!

Matcha Outlet 13 years ago

You’d be happy to know that we are working on couple new kinds of chocolate flavors :-)

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Ohhhh I am pumped! Yeah this matcha is amazing, I wish I didn’t work tomorrow so I could indulge tonight ;)

It IS sinful!

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1220 tasting notes

I didn’t realize it was cocoa powder added for the flavor here. Of course I also didn’t read a single thing about it because it was on sale, and you buy immediately when things are on sale.

I’m drinking it cold even though I just came in from outside and it has remarkably cooled down. This is not a sweet chocolate flavor at all, which I love. At the same time it doesn’t actually taste like cocoa powder, or feel like it, in the way a tea like DavidsTea’s Chocolate Cake does.

As usual I have it with a bit of milk and a couple ice cubes. I’m not a fan of the coconut milk I have right now, and I think a different brand or at least one that’s slightly sweetened would really shine with this matcha. It doesn’t even add a richness to this, and that was what I was really hoping for. I still haven’t found my favorite.

This definitely reminds me of matcha and the chocolat chaud I had in Paris…here: Okay that goes right to my review but there is also some blasphemer who comes up first otherwise at least on my usual setting on Yelp.
It was ridiculous. It’s why I wish I had a richer “cream” to match, so that I could pretend I had an iced matcha version of it. This is definitely nowhere as chocolatey but it is very similar in that it’s not sweet, it’s well, chocolate.

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Blasphemer! Yelp is wonderful, but there are definitely some… ugh.. cringeworthy people? “I’ve never been to a Korean restaurant so I had no idea what the food would be like and it was TERRIBLE!” 1 star on a 5 star restaurant. _

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185 tasting notes

I may have mentioned on here before that my first experience with matcha was not a positive one. We had bought a pouch of matcha from a tea store that shall not be named, and Missy spent some time looking around on the internet figuring out exactly how much matcha to use for a cup of tea. Needless to say, it didn’t go terribly well. I took one sip, looked at Missy, and said “Are you serious, you actually want to drink this?”. Except it also involved swearing.

I put my interest in matcha on a back burner at that point. Maybe it was something a future, more refined me would enjoy, but definitely not today.

Then, Red Leaf Tea started showing up and making a huge effort to bring in new customers from Steepster. Reviews started popping up about their fantastic matcha, and the awesome flavors that they have. When the Belgium Chocolate Matcha went on sale, I knew it was time to give matcha another try. I figured, if I can’t enjoy half-priced, chocolate flavored matcha from what appears to be the best matcha vendor around, there was probably no hope.

My order options were:

Size : Small
Matcha Quality: Royal (Premium Grade)
Flavor: Distinctive

A side note: I involved two variables here, which breaks my little scientist heart. However, I thought that the best chance to succeed here would be if I used a better grade matcha, and a more prominent level of flavoring.

For preparing this one, Missy used her battery-powered frother, as opposed to the traditional matcha tools. It may be bucking convention, but it really seems to create a nice, smooth evenly distributed cup of matcha. This resulted in a smooth, but murky jade green drink, which is significantly darker than the matcha-that-shall-not-be-named. This makes it obvious that there is true cocoa powder in here, as opposed to just a flavoring (unless there was a flavoring and a coloring, then all bets are off).

It definitely smells very chocolatey, very sweet without any sugar added. It reminds me of a chocolate cake batter, or possibly muffin batter. There’s the chocolately sweetness to it, but the hint of background… well, I suppose it’s the smell of the matcha itself. Anyway, the matcha smell in the background elevates it a little bit to a baked-good smell, at least for me.

The taste is very smooth. At first, it has a warm hot cocoa flavor to it, absolutely delicious. It is inviting, and comforting, with a subtle sweetness on your tongue (much more subtle in taste than in smell). To me, the first drink was overwhelmingly cocoa flavored, with no vegetal taste to betray the matcha lurking below. Each successive drink makes that matcha flavor come out a little bit more. There is a strangely beneficial aspect to this, and that is that the matcha flavor itself slowly builds on you. It’s very crisp and clean, lightly foresty but without that swampy, seaweed taste that some green tea comes with.

As you get to the end of the drink, there is some matcha that has settled towards the bottom. This is likely because I’m a little bit of a slow drinker, sensitive to hot liquids and such. Or, we really have no clue what we’re doing. Always a possibility.

All in all, I would definitely recommend this matcha, especially if you’re new to the world of matcha. It has renewed my faith in matcha as a viable beverage choice.

You can get it here:

Now… to mix it in with a protein shake in the morning…

CHAroma 12 years ago

Thanks for the review! I’m definitely going to check this one out.

CHAroma 12 years ago

P.S. Red Leaf doesn’t use artificial colorings. :)

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4843 tasting notes

YUM! This is absolutely delicious. Some of the other chocolate Matcha teas I’ve had have come off tasting a bit like ovaltine. That’s not a bad thing, as I like Ovaltine just fine, but, I like that this actually tastes like chocolate! The best way I can describe this is a combination of Matcha and a thinned sipping chocolate. Very yummy.

Bonnie 13 years ago

WOW sipping chocolate really?! I want some!

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1764 tasting notes

Well darn. I was always so confident that I’d love this. I mean, it’s chocolate! How could I not like it… right!?
So… Guess what? I don’t love it. Nooooooooooooooo!
Sighs. Sad sad sighs. How could it be? Was it something I did?! Did I offend the chocolate gods?
It just doesn’t taste like the true, intense, cocoa that I expected. Yeah, I can see how it tastes similar to chocolate. But still, it is not chocolate. It’s too floral for that. Not in a bad way, once I accepted it for what it is. Still, I’m super disappointed.
In my smoothie, it lent an element of that smooth truffle centre. Not chocolate per se, but getting there.
Overall, not bad. I’ll enjoy the rest of my packet with no issues, though I still feel as though the next time I look on the site to place an order, I’d find something labeled “chocolate” that’d hit it on the nose for me and send me into daily matcha chocolate comas!
No matter, there are plenty of other matcha flavours I love. It’s a learning process :)

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Sil 12 years ago

I only like this when combined with the coffee matcha

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Oooh! I has coffee matcha… yah!! :D

ashmanra 12 years ago

I gave this one to a friend. I didn’t care for it.

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Ashmanra, I don’t blame you. It’s quite ordinary :(

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Ashmanra, I don’t blame you. It’s quite ordinary :(

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