English Breakfast loose tea

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Black Tea
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195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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From Marks & Spencer Tea

A traditional large leaf blend made with teas from some of the world’s best known tea-growing countries. Rich, bold, and flavoursome, with a deep colour.

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9 Tasting Notes

3503 tasting notes

First, it was a great pleasure to see K S on Facebook this morning! Are we Facebook friends? Nope. But Teavivre posted a link to his review of a puerh tea they sent him to try!

Second, tunes&tea, I was planning to start posting what I was listening to now and then and I forgot! So I was listening to The Wind and the Wheat by Phil Keaggy but now I don’t remember what tea I was drinking, but I know I had popcorn so does that count? LOL!

This morning, I am enjoying a nice cuppa, and this is a really authentic cuppa. Daughter’s BF sent a box from Ireland. He was desperately trying to find loose leaf tea and it is sad that it is a hard thing to find in a place that we think of so strongly connected with tea! He said when he comes to America next month for a visit, he is going to get lots of loose leaf tea.

This tea has a rich, complex aroma. There is a light astringency. With food, like the strong cheese we are eating right now, I like it plain. If I were only drinking tea, I think I would want a little milk and perhaps a little sugar. This tea will definitely open your eyes as soon as you give it a good sniff. There is malt, there is raisin, there is TEA! The liquor is rich red brown.

This is a CTC tea so I only give it 2 1/2 minutes in the boiling water. Someone with more chest hair might want to give it a little longer.


Love Phil Keaggy…had that one. I will check my chest and respond accordingly.


Have I sent you any of this one? You need to try it!


Don’t think so. It sounds so nicely British!


Consider it on it’s way!


Have I told you I love you lately?


I saw the FB post this morning. I feel almost famous. Anyone want an autograph? ;)


Me first! Me first!


What’s your autograph going for on eBay these days? ;)


I have a buy now option for one million. I figure I only need to sell one. That makes it even more rare – adding to the value.

I have never owned any Phil Keaggy but I used to listen to his neice Cheri Keaggy. Loved her early stuff.


K S: maybe try Pandora! I especially love his instrumental stuff. He won a Grammy for his guitar skills. When he sings, he sounds so much like Paul McCartney during the Wings years.


Just checked..PK is on Pandora. Good. Writing music for a Saturday morning!

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3011 tasting notes

This is the James Bond of Breakfast Teas. Elegant. Understated. But don’t let down your guard; if you turn your back, it’ll nail you in the solar plexus with an iron fist!

If you’re a PG Tips fan, you know that a strong cuppa is smooth and dark from the tip of the tongue to the final swallow. This one is a little sneakier: light, bright, light, BAM! (The dark builders’ tea kick is at the end.)

No matter how it is delivered, a kick and a punch is welcome today. Many pages of content to hammer out, and I’m sure my editors would appreciate it if they were coherent!

Gotta thank ashmanra again for feeding the addiction!


It suddenly dawns on me that if you turn your back, the solar plexus becomes a little hard to reach. Oops.


OK 007!


LOL! That is one sneaky secret agent tea then, to get you in the solar plexus from behind. I am impressed! These are really inexpensive in Ireland, so if you fall in love and want one of your own just let me know. Gav is coming in thee and a half weeks and told me repeatedly last night that if there was ANYTHING at all I wanted, to let him know and he will bring it. He couldnt find the PG Tips Strong by the way.

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7 tasting notes

This is what Engllish breakfast tea should taste like. Warm flavour and delicious notes of cherry. Could drink all day. Wonderful.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1 tasting notes

My girlfriend only drinks this tea; unfortunately we live in New York and so are dependent on the kindness of others traveling to the UK (M&S doesn’t ship overseas)

Does anyone know whether any any other retailers sell this tea? Other ideas for keeping a US #3 junkie in stock?


185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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