King of Bu Lang 2008

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Pu'erh Tea
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From Mandala Tea

Fermented in 2007, pressed in 2008.

Impressively put together. Dark with lots of gold buds giving the cake a beautiful appearance. Brews a dark red colored tea. Predicted to age very well. Truly deserves to be called “the king” in all respects.

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4 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

This is a really tasty tea!
Once again, I’m not in the mood for fussing over a Gaiwan, nor do I have time. I steeped a 5G chunk of this for 3 minutes, & it is delicious. I resteeped for 4, still delicious. Now I’m going back for 5 min. Admittedly, this is the way I’m enjoying my Shu’s lately. I like them the other way too, but it takes time & if I wait around to have more time, I never end up drinking them.

So this one brewed into a nice deep cup of awesomeness. No fish, not even a compost pile, just a rich dark sweet cup with a nice cinnamon flavor to it. This was a sample from Garret, which I am very grateful for, & will probably need to purchase some of.

Meanwhile, I REALLY WANT the blue lotus teapot on the Mandala site. Garret, feel free to start wrapping it up for me, & if there is only one left, please set it aside, because I want it. When I buy it, can you send me a sample of the ‘not so mini tuochas’? They sound delicious!


“5oz chunk” that is a lot of leaf! lol

Terri HarpLady

Oops! Thanks KS! Obviously it was suppose to be 5G, I’m just a dork. I fixed it. :)


5 oz is like Beethoven’s sixty beans to a cup!

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15267 tasting notes

My dearest tea sister terri sent this sample to me and since I have been bad and bought a bit of tea, i decided i needed a sipdown today. Since my non puerhs pretty much all have several cups to sip them down (or giant Sil sized cups) I opted to enjoy this one this morning while i get ready to go run some errands before coming back home to try and work.

Only on the first couple of steepings but this is a delicious puerh. It won’t be my all time favourite from Garret but it’s not fishy, it’s slightly earthy but not overwhelmingly so. I don’t get the cinnamon that terri did but like i said..initial steepings. more to come :)

Edit: later steepings are deeeelicious! though i cheated after a few and just went for a long 5 min steep heh


I really enjoy this ripe tea. Went through a phase where I was worried that I was going to drink it all myself and not have any to sell :)

But now I am just pretty much obsessed with the Noble Mark ripe and have been for a year now! First tea of the day 95% of the time.

Thanks for writing this up!!

And thanks for being an all around great person, too!!


haha your welcome. You and your wonderful teas make it easy though. Hands down my favourite puerhs so far on my tea journey, short though it has been so far..


Yeah, I have to work on some sipdowns, since I just bought MORE tea. ack.


haha yeah so did i tea sipper…so did i. The downside to finding out Fauchon, MF and Fortnum & Mason are around in canada because of the holidays!

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