Breakfast in Paris

Tea type
Black Flavored Oolong Blend
Black Tea, Flavor, Oolong
Floral, Fruity, Malt, Malty, Orchid, Stonefruit, Sweet, Thick, Vanilla
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From Magic Hour

Like a dance between lovers, Biodynamic estate tea from Sri Lanka merges & sways on the palate with the finest organic oolong, imparting a mysterious medley of flavor one can only refer to as enchantment. Laced with the scents of secret Parisian gardens & forbidden fruit, this intoxicating sunrise tea pairs beautifully with fruit tarts, croissants & dream journaling. Escape to Paris for an early morning sunrise & be back home orRead more

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1 Tasting Note

1733 tasting notes

Interesting combo, intensely fruity and floral. Depending on the ratio I get in my bag, the oolong makes the fruit and floral flavors absolutely sing while the black tea helps add malt and natural sweetness. When there’s more black, it hits more in oolong territory of flavor, but the black tea despite being Sri Lankan has the same notes I get from Taiwanese or “Honey” blacks. Honey does come up. The flavoring is a secret, but there’s vanilla and stone fruit in the profile. Both leaves are hefty, and this is no low grade mix of Tie Guan Yin and Ceylon. Heady, but not cloying. I can dig it. I wouldn’t want it everyday, but the texture is amazing.

Flavors: Floral, Fruity, Malt, Malty, Orchid, Stonefruit, Sweet, Thick, Vanilla

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