Smoked Pine & Sage

Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Meat, Pine, Resin, Sage, Smoke
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From M&K's Tea Company

A true M&K’s exclusive, straight from California. We roast wild-harvested California white sage together with pine needle until it gets really, really, ridiculously smoky. The white sage, which naturally exhibits a subtle "herbaceous mint" flavor, takes on a new roasted flavor, creating a tea that is similar to jumping inside a bonfire and opening your mouth (without the trip to the hospital and the million dollar medical bill). We onlyRead more

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1 Tasting Note

921 tasting notes

It is Saturday night and that means it is time to PARTY! I of course am going to party the best way I know how, getting drunk on tea, playing Terraria, and eating a peanut butter and honey sandwich. Yeah, I know how to live the high life. I have never been much of a party person, so really this is a great evening, I might even work on some painting too. If you can’t tell, I am already a little tea drunk, but that tea’s tale will be told next week!

Today we are looking at M&K’s Tea Company’s Smoked Pine and Sage, an herbal blend of hand roasted and harvested Pine Needles and California White Sage, which honestly sounded so awesome that I had to try it. I love smoky teas and roasted things, and a tea described as tasting like a bonfire sounded awesome. The aroma of the needles, sticks, and leaves is very smoky and burnt, it has a resinous tone and a sage-rub note. It reminds me of sage smudges I would do before I decided burning things with asthma was a bad idea, the smell is very nostalgic and pleasant, and mixed with the resinous burnt pine aroma, it certainly smells like a bonfire…specifically one at a New Age meeting. Ah, nostalgia.

Into my steeping vessel the herbs went, and the aroma totally fills my tea corner, it is like an autumn bonfire with a mystical edge to it. So the wet leaves smell like a bonfire, a very heavy sage filled bonfire, resinous and a bit meaty…it really does remind me of a meat rub. The liquid has a savory edge, not quite meaty, but savory, with resinous pine notes and smoke.

Tasting time! The amber-gold liquid is like fire in its aroma, and the tasty is certainly a campfire as well! It is warm and gently sweet, while also being savory and slightly meaty with notes of strong sage and resinous pine. I am not sure how I feel about it, I don’t dislike it, but I certainly did not like it as much as I was expecting I would, what with my love of smoky teas. I sat a while with this tea trying to figure out what was not working for me, and I think it is that slightly meaty note, it reminds me too much of a meat roast rather than a tea. Conveniently I have a mom who also loves smoky things, so she got sent the rest of my pouch, I anxiously await her opinion on it!

For blog and photos:

Flavors: Meat, Pine, Resin, Sage, Smoke

Tommy Toadman 10 years ago

i needs to try this one, sounds interesting

Kirkoneill1988 10 years ago

me too

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