Apple Tarte Tatin

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Almonds, Apple Pieces, Assam Black Tea, Cinnamon, Clove, Natural Flavours, Raisins, Safflowers
Almond, Candied Apple, Caramel, Red Apple, Apple, Cinnamon, Cream, Cake, Fruity, Nutty, Raisins, Spices, Nuts
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Anlina
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 7 oz / 216 ml

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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Wow this is actually pretty fabulous. It reminds me of having desert and coffee( or some dark rich bitter tea )all at once and would probably be fabulous with cream ( something I never add to tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “HGTTB Another one that i have the pleasure of finishing off. On the upside, i’m nearly through tasting all the teas that i really wanted to have a run with out of the box. It’s been a good one! ...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was perfect for a before bed brew! This has a delicious almond aroma. The steeped leaves give off a sour apple scent. The initial sip is sweet and caramel. This then turns into a apple flavor...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve been completely forgetting to mention that these are from the Hidden TTB. Just been so happy to try so many different teas! I’m loving this one! I’ve tried a few different versions of this by...” Read full tasting note

From LuxBerry Tea

Ever wonder where the upside down tart came from? Legend has it that it was invented in the 1800’s about 100 miles outside of Paris at the Hotel Tatin, owned by the Tatin sisters. According to the story, Stephanie Tatin, the one who did most of the cooking, stumbled across the dessert while trying to make a traditional apple pie. Stephanie accidentally cooked the apples and butter too long and hastily decided to throw the pastry on top of the pie and cook it in the oven. After the surprisingly warm response by her guests to the accidental masterpiece, it became a staple on the menu. This tea is our tribute to the warm apple tarte tatin with delicious apples, raisins and spices you’re sure to love it!

Ingredients: Black tea Assam, apple bits, raisins, cinnamon, almond flakes, cloves, flavor, safflowers.

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7 Tasting Notes

437 tasting notes

Wow this is actually pretty fabulous. It reminds me of having desert and coffee( or some dark rich bitter tea )all at once and would probably be fabulous with cream ( something I never add to tea ).

The dry leaf smells of cinnamon and cloves and raisins and is scattered with sliced almonds, raisins, and pieces of dried apple. After 2.5 minutes it brews up to a nice fragrant copper coloured brew that smells a bit like apple crisp taken right out of the oven. It tastes of a buttery, spicy, apple pastry with the flavour sweetened and deepened by the raisins and with the cinnamon and cloves balanced nicely. The tea underneath is a nice slightly bitter Assam that has a hint of biscuit and cocoa with a medium mouth feel and a light astringency that helps to bring a sense of pie crust to the blend. The tea also has a nice dose of caffeine. All though the flavouring has a sense of the richness of a buttery crust the tea is not creamy. It re-steeps decently well. A touch of sugar really helps to make the fruit pop in this tea. Quite a nice desert tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Nice! Sounds tasty delicious :)


It really is.


don’t think i’ve ordered or tried tea from that company so i’ll have to look in to it


I’ve tried three teas from them so far and I’ve really enjoyed two of them, the other one I’m still trying to figure out what I think about it. The smallest size they have is 50g but they do offer free shipping in Canada. I think I’m going to try some of their greens next. They have their own web store at but you can also purchase from them on Etsy if you prefer to use that site.


I contacted them and I think they’re willing to sell sample bags of 12.5g for $2.25 each. I’ll be placing an order there eventually – pretty intrigued by some of the flavours!


That’s good to know.

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15596 tasting notes


Another one that i have the pleasure of finishing off. On the upside, i’m nearly through tasting all the teas that i really wanted to have a run with out of the box. It’s been a good one! This is a lovely tea and very much a desserty tea with a creamy, buttery, apple spice sort of taste to it. This is a little rich for me though, so i’m not sure that i need more of it in my life haha It’s really lovely though!

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526 tasting notes

This was perfect for a before bed brew! This has a delicious almond aroma. The steeped leaves give off a sour apple scent. The initial sip is sweet and caramel. This then turns into a apple flavor with a slight tang. Then all these flavors are wrapped around with sugary warm apple pie enticement. I enjoy this tea, its perfect for the time of night. This brew is not to artificial nor is it too syrupy.

Flavors: Almond, Candied Apple, Caramel, Red Apple

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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1325 tasting notes

I’ve been completely forgetting to mention that these are from the Hidden TTB. Just been so happy to try so many different teas! I’m loving this one! I’ve tried a few different versions of this by other companies and this one definitely ranks near the top. It’s like sipping apple pie. I’m going to munch on a Trefoil in a moment and I’m sure that will enhance this.

Oh yea. Good pairing.

Flavors: Apple, Cinnamon, Cream

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1013 tasting notes

Hidden Gems TTB #13

This tastes more like a fruitcake than an apple tart to me…there are distinct cake notes along with raisin, nuts, spices, and a fruity flavor that isn’t really screaming “apple”. It’s actually quite delicious, but not at all what I was expecting from the name.

Flavors: Cake, Fruity, Nutty, Raisins, Spices

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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894 tasting notes

Mmm delicious. Apples, raisins, cinnamon, caramel and nuts. This both smells and tastes like an apple cake with a nice, bold base to support it.

It reminds me a lot of some other tea, maybe DAVIDs Coffee Cake? Not quite right, but the smell in particular really reminds me of something else.

I had it straight but I think it would probably be even better with a dash of sugar to really bring out the cakeness.

Flavors: Apple, Cake, Caramel, Cinnamon, Nuts, Raisins, Spices

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Yum! This sounds delicious :)

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1 tasting notes

Amazing tea great with a little milk and sugar, a replacement for desert! :)

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