This weather. I know some of you have lots of snow but uh, at 9am I had to scrape ice off my car’s windows. At 3pm, I had to turn the a/c on in the car. The temperature doubled since this morning.
This is alright, isn’t peach melba supposed to be peach and raspberry with vanilla ice cream? Description just says peaches and cream, which is nice, but that’s peaches and cream, not peach melba.
So incorrect dessert name aside, this is peach and vanilla, no raspberry. It’s pretty delicately flavored, I let it steep for 7 minutes and I’d like a bit more power to it. The vanilla seems stronger than the peach, which is really faint and seems more like it’s just sweetening the tea up so it doesn’t taste too much like rooibos.
I may use the rest of this to try it iced. Thanks ToiToi!