Kamairicha "Gokase"

Tea type
Green Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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From Lupicia

KAMAIRI-CHA means iron pot roasted tea, a method originating in China and now used in Kyushu, the southwest of mainland Honshu. This tea is mainly consumed in Kyushu and is considered to be a rare and exceptional item in Japan, where the majority of tea is processed by steaming. Available online for a limited time only.

We offer this unique Japanese tea featuring a golden hued water color, deep aroma, and a refreshing flavor with a hint of roastiness, from tea master Mr. Korogi of Gokase in Miyazaki prefecture. Mr. Korogi makes Kamairicha with an outstanding reputation, as his traditional method produces an exquisite aroma in the tea. He has received countless honorable awards, including from the Japanese Government, for his Kamairicha.

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5 Tasting Notes

15245 tasting notes

a green tea, really not for me. Into the swap box it goes for anyone who wants to try it.

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338 tasting notes

Great green tea from Japan. It’s so delicate that it will probably go very wrong if the brewing time or temperature is not controlled properly. I am happy that the brewing temperature I use for the tea is just right! :) The liquor has a beautiful jade colour, with my favourate vegetal scent of hay that is unique to Japanese green tea! I find the fragrance really calming. Taste-wise it’s mellow, on the sweet side, with an umami finish. Nothing can be better than having a cup of good Japanese tea before starting Japanese revision in the morning… ;)

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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6107 tasting notes

K is for… Kamairicha “Gokase”!

A decent green tea, too bad I didn’t review it sooner as it has been in a non-airtight package (I hate Lupicia’s bags) for quite a while. Probably wouldn’t have been a favourite.

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59 tasting notes

a solid green tea. it’s very straight forward and simple.

i agree with larukucafe on the umami finish. i also thought the mouth feel was slightly buttery.
1 min, 0 sec

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391 tasting notes

A tasty green tea, it’s got a light to middle strongness of taste and is not bitter at all. It was good with my breakfast and held its own. Doesn’t really stand out though, so I don’t think I’d buy it.

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