Lopchu Flowery Orange Pekoe

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Black Tea
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200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I finally got around to opening my 2013 box of this tea. Still a cupboard staple for me. This seasons tea thus far is sweeter and warmer tasting than the previous year and a much less floral. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a pleasant afternoon cup of tea, mild & sweet. No astringency or bitter tastes, really just a relaxing cup to enjoy. Thanks to YYZ for sharing this with Sil, who shared it with me :)” Read full tasting note
  • “This is another “out of my comfort zone” teal courtesy of yyz. Thank you!!! Always interested in learning about new teas. This is unlike any Darjeeling I’ve tried before. Zero astringency,...” Read full tasting note
  • “YYZ sent this one my way and let me tell you, i am a FAN! this is how i want more darjeelings to taste. :) I’m not sure what previous years tasted like but this is not floral and doesn’t have...” Read full tasting note

From Lopchu Tea Estate Darjeeling

Flowery Orange Pekoe
Pure Darjeeling Tea
Specially grown and packed at Lopchu Tea Estate Darjeeling India.

1-2tsp at 90-100 degrees celsius for 3-5 minutes

About Lopchu Tea Estate Darjeeling View company

Company description not available.

7 Tasting Notes

437 tasting notes

I finally got around to opening my 2013 box of this tea. Still a cupboard staple for me. This seasons tea thus far is sweeter and warmer tasting than the previous year and a much less floral. Red fruits, and sweet red wine and sweet plum dominate the top notes with cocoa, and brown sugar notes rounding it off over light malt and slightly less biscuit than the 2012. Aftertaste is of brown sugar. Still really love the tea from this estate. I love that I can buy it locally. Maybe I’ll be able to try the pink box this year as well?

Edit to keep the cocoa and red fruits dominant keep the steeps shorter and use closer to a level TSP/225 ml rather than a heaping, and use a temp between 90-95*C.


Where do you pick this up?


You can find it at many Indian grocery stores. It can go quickly when it’s in. In Mississauga Dundas fruits and vegetables at Dundas and Hurontario almost always has it. Some years they get the pink box as well. In Toronto, I would check the stores on Gerard first. The packaging looks almost exactly like the picture. The tea comes wrapped directly from the estate and the month and year of harvest is stamped on the box.

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3294 tasting notes

This is a pleasant afternoon cup of tea, mild & sweet. No astringency or bitter tastes, really just a relaxing cup to enjoy. Thanks to YYZ for sharing this with Sil, who shared it with me :)

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1040 tasting notes

This is another “out of my comfort zone” teal courtesy of yyz. Thank you!!! Always interested in learning about new teas.
This is unlike any Darjeeling I’ve tried before. Zero astringency, nothing offensive here…
This has quite a bit of the “up your nose white wine” notes. It’s not floral, quite fruity, really smooth. This is a tea that could interest me in looking at more Darjeeling……


So glad you liked this tea. This is the tea that I have probably gone through the most of.

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15575 tasting notes

YYZ sent this one my way and let me tell you, i am a FAN! this is how i want more darjeelings to taste. :) I’m not sure what previous years tasted like but this is not floral and doesn’t have that typical darjeeling taste that i tend not to enjoy all that much. i am going back to bed…sick is not a fun place to be and today i’m too exausted to be even out of bed..but it was nice to get in a couple cups of tea. especially such nice cups.


Get better, Sil!


So glad you like it! By teabox’s and the old Darjeeling expresses description of this tea this years flavour is probably more typical, than my previous box with it being sweeter with more chocolate notes. My previous box kind of reminded me of a mature deciduous forest with herbal and loam and green floral notes along with the fruit and cocoa. It tasted a little bit cooler and green, but still very good. It’s interesting how the Yunnan translates to the Darjeeling environment. The tea can get muscatel characteristics if you give it a long steep. I found them at about 5 min, but I love the warm, cocoa fruit mix of shorter steeps. Hope you got lots of rest today and are feeling better!


I’m really looking forward to trying the other teas you event my way. I’ve just been cautious this weekend as I’m not sure how impacted my taste buds are by being sick…..so far, though, they seem to be doing ok..


Feel better;)

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