This is I think a good quality puerh tea. It had a moderate amount of fermentation flavor. That flavor was neither unpleasant or fishy. I wasn’t really paying attention to the specifics but would say that this was sweet from the start with little to no bitterness. The fermentation taste was present for the first four or five steeps and then no more. This was a good tea. I think the brand Long Run puerh is a quality brand. It is available here from Spring Tea Group. They also sell through Amazon which is where I got this.
I steeped this ten times in a 160ml Solid Silver Teapot with 14.6g leaf and boiling water. I gave it a 10 second rinse. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec,and 1 minute. The leaves were not done but ten steeps from a 160ml teapot is a lot of tea. I am sure I could have gotten another four or five steeps out of it.
Flavors: Earth, Sweet
Lucky us that there is a seller of LongRun teas in the west as it is usually available only in China. I believe even their Hong Kong shop has closed down. I wish it was more widely available.