In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Peach, Sweet
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Loose Leaf
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  • “I got a grabbie of Liquid Proust teas when LPT closed and this is one of them. (I really appreciate that awesome deal I got.) It’s an interesting one because it has the natural sweetness of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Man, you really appeal to Dan Cong lovers Andrew. Though you’re the reason why I’m an oolong lover in the first place so it should be no surprise. I actually liked the combo because the Dan Cong...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sample from evol ving ness So i have to say that i actually ended up spitting this one out. I hadn’t looked at what the blend was made of before i drank it….my mistake. The oolong has a great...” Read full tasting note

From Liquid Proust Teas

Dancong, amancha

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3 Tasting Notes

4338 tasting notes

I got a grabbie of Liquid Proust teas when LPT closed and this is one of them. (I really appreciate that awesome deal I got.) It’s an interesting one because it has the natural sweetness of amancha that I’m not sure why other tea places don’t use to sweeten their tea. It’s definitely sweet and a ton better than things like splenda! I can notice only a little bit of amancha within the dancong, but a little goes a long way. I’m not sure where the peachy flavor is coming from, the dancong or the amancha but it’s a nice note. Sweetness and peach. I don’t usually go for this kind of oolong but I like this one. It also doesn’t get overbrewed.
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons // rinse // few minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // few minutes after boiling // 3 min

Flavors: Peach, Sweet

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1733 tasting notes

Man, you really appeal to Dan Cong lovers Andrew. Though you’re the reason why I’m an oolong lover in the first place so it should be no surprise.

I actually liked the combo because the Dan Cong was what lead the taste of the tea with surprisingly bright florals in a midst of some woodiness. I’d have to try it again to figure out the woods, but it was on the bamboo side with a slight citrus touch. The amacha with the mi xiang of the tea matched really well, and it did well enough that my roommate who does not drink tea all the time thought so.

With that said, the sweetness would welcome or detract for some people. I liked that it was sweet for me without it needing sugar, but then again, I am a type one diabetic so I am a little bit more sensitive to that. I do agree with Sil that the amacha has a stevia type taste that matches something closer to splenda. It can give me a dry throat feeling, but the dancong’s flavor makes it up for me.

Though I liked it, I’m not sure how often I’d drink it or if I would buy it. I probably would have bought this when I was on steepster early on because I enjoyed Dan Congs a little more than I do now, but I do not mind having it in my cupboard at all. If I had more money, I’d buy a small amount and reserve it seasonally. It did really well on a cold day in the late evening. Otherwise, this tea is hard to place. The idea of this blend is incredibly unique and that will be hard to market. I would emphasize this being an oolong that has the sweetener without the guilt, maybe even a sweet iced tea in flavor…never mind sweet tea is usually black. I don’t know what I’m saying on here anyway lol. Dan cong lovers, at least try this.


The name of this tea alone is intriguing!

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15596 tasting notes

Sample from evol ving ness

So i have to say that i actually ended up spitting this one out. I hadn’t looked at what the blend was made of before i drank it….my mistake. The oolong has a great aroma to it, and before the amacha kicked in it was a good cup..but about 2 secons in to the sip the amacha kicked in and it was like drinking a cup of stevia that’s been slightly dilluted with water. i tried to weaken the brew by adding some water to it but i just couldn’t get it down. super sweet… ick.

in case anyone else is curious:


Is the Steepster link for this down on your end? I get a dead page… (it not the tea cup of life one)


steepster is having issues. i get weird message on some teas, i see duplicates of all teas etc…


bleh. Hopefully they sort it out soon

Evol Ving Ness

Sorry, Sil. This tea is one of several that I sent your way before having tried them myself. It’s kind of a tradition now. Yup, reading up on this in your link, I am finding out that one needs a light hand. Good to know.


Is this an artificial sweetener/stevia sweet, or table sugar sweet?


it was more stevia sweet for me vs table sugar.

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