2012 dong ding

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Nutty, Vegetal, Cherry, Floral, Green, Milk, Pineapple
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Loose Leaf
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5 Tasting Notes View all

  • “It’s always interesting when you have multiple people try a tea and they all say something different, but each person provides positive feedback of different notes. I went back into this tea for...” Read full tasting note
  • “Raseru’s post was spot on: http://steepster.com/rasseru/posts/339536 I really liked this one. It did remind me of a jin xuan a lot. I really haven’t had many oolongs. Anyone know of other fantastic...” Read full tasting note
  • “I couldnt find an entry for this one? if there is one i’ll merge.. I totally love this tea – out of a blind test of 8 teas this one topped my scoreboard & here is the review: ’Liked this one...” Read full tasting note

From Liquid Proust Teas

Bamboo container filled with roughly 70 grams of 2012 dong ding oolong.

The idea is to store the dong ding in the container and taste it every few months to see how it progresses.

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5 Tasting Notes

1113 tasting notes

It’s always interesting when you have multiple people try a tea and they all say something different, but each person provides positive feedback of different notes.

I went back into this tea for the 3rd or 4th time hoping to get those greener notes with fruit as some have found… din’t find it. Got a lot of nutty notes with undertone of sweet potato and roasted veggies over water.

This stuff brew out quite a few more steeps than I thought it would have and it has much more roast to it than it did months ago… I wonder if my storage amplified the roast and the green aspects have begun to die down… hmmmmm…

Overall, this is something that I really enjoy and since it’s almost gone I have to decide if I want to keep the rest for myself or not; it’s actually a hard decision to make :/

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139 tasting notes

Raseru’s post was spot on:

I really liked this one. It did remind me of a jin xuan a lot.

I really haven’t had many oolongs. Anyone know of other fantastic ones? There’s an overwhelming amount of them, and I frankly don’t know which ones I would like. I can say I’m not big into the floral notes. Everything else—fruity, vegetal, milky, chocolatey, spicey, bread, sweet potato, etc.—are fine.

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Liquid Proust 8 years ago

Whispering Pines has the best Jin Xuan, Beautiful Taiwan Tea has great ShanLinxi, T Shop has a great DongDing (sold out), and there are good DanCongs to be found through YS. Oolong is just the best period : )

JakeB 8 years ago

Thanks for the recs! I’ll have to try those out!

I will have to see for myself if oolong is the best lol!:)It’ll have to beat out black tea, which is my favorite type right now.

Rasseru 8 years ago

Oolong all the way, the greatest breadth of flavour & experiences across the teas. Imho of course

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338 tasting notes

I couldnt find an entry for this one? if there is one i’ll merge..

I totally love this tea – out of a blind test of 8 teas this one topped my scoreboard & here is the review:

’Liked this one the mostest. smaller tighter balls than others. Had nice fruit & floral aroma. Some veg. Taste had a nice fruit (cherry & pineapple?) & floral on the tip of the tongue and up the nose while swirling around in my mouth. A bit dan cong in the oil of the leaf, with boldness in this flavour which worked with the fruit. didnt have so much a milk aroma though, unsure if Jin xuan?

Liked this one, defo would buy’

Its a really fruity yummy great tasting green Oolong which I very selfishly waited to purchase some before reviewing just in case it all disappears, and is my current ‘wait for autumn golden lily harvest’ tea.

Great stuff.

Flavors: Cherry, Floral, Green, Milk, Pineapple, Vegetal

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