Golden Baby Cakes

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Black Tea
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  • “Here’s Hoping Traveling Teabox – Round #5 – Tea #31 I’m not sure if Liquid Proust presses these himself, but this is an interesting tea! I haven’t seen a black tea that looks like a mini-tuocha...” Read full tasting note
  • “From the Here’s Hoping TTB, Round 5 I’m glad I got to try this. I’m really really glad, especially because I was really looking forward to the French Toast Dianhong and I can’t find it! LOL, oh...” Read full tasting note

From Liquid Proust Teas

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2 Tasting Notes

4341 tasting notes

Here’s Hoping Traveling Teabox – Round #5 – Tea #31
I’m not sure if Liquid Proust presses these himself, but this is an interesting tea! I haven’t seen a black tea that looks like a mini-tuocha before. It looks like it consists more of gold leaves than black. But the brew is strong! It tastes like a Dian Hong should — a little like keemun with smoky notes. Malty and bready and sweet too. A bunch of great black tea characteristics. One left in the teabox!
Steep #1 // few min after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 4 min steep

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307 tasting notes

From the Here’s Hoping TTB, Round 5

I’m glad I got to try this. I’m really really glad, especially because I was really looking forward to the French Toast Dianhong and I can’t find it! LOL, oh well.

I’m convinced I would have hurt myself if I took a tea needle to this little cake, so I brewed it kinda gongfu style, but in my gravity steeper. Obviously this means aLOT more water to tea ratio, but looking at how this tea expanded over the course of the steeps (over three days), I think if I tried it just in my gaiwan I might have passed out in tea drunkeness. As it was even at 12 oz flash steeps, the fourth and fifth steeps especially made me super duper hyper/caffinated and tea drunk. The 2nd and 3rd steeps were kind of bitter and fermentedy tasting, but after that it was all sweet sailing.

Over the course of the tasting I’d say a few things that stood out to me was the smooth mouthfeel, yet it was heavy, like the feeling of honey water. There was no astringency, which I search for in a black tea, but rarely find. It was dark, yet mellow, and such an easy drinker. Even toward the end when I was starting towards the 3-4 min steeps it was behaving beautifully and I think it got to maybe seven to eight steeps before it really started to stop giving off flavor.

I imagine if you rinse it a few times, this would make a splendid grandpa brewing tea.


Aw, it’s a shame you didn’t get to try the French Toast. I thought Liquid Proust mentioned he included enough for everyone that remained in the teabox. I was looking forward to trying it too.


I know right? I was sad. But it finally prompted me to actually put in an order with LP, especially since he says he’s not going to be doing blends anymore? Something like that, is my impression.

Liquid Proust

I’ll be done with basic blends and working on small projects such as home roasting milk oolong, dry aging tea in barrels, flavoring such as the French Toast, and a few fruit infusion teas. I just can’t justify selling something that is just items that are blended with just rations. If I want to be like Butiki, I’ll never settle for the easy route.

Liquid Proust

Side note: I 100% put enough for everyone to have one French Toast ball


I guess some people participating in the teabox don’t follow along with comments in the teabox discussion thread. Oh well.

Liquid Proust

Let me know who didn’t get one, I can ship samples out


And good luck to you in your fun endeavors, Liquid Proust. :D


It could be that they’re there, but I’m blind and can’t find them, but I’ve looked a few times. The people that didn’t get them, would include me and everyone after me… but I just got an order from you with french toast balls, so I was going to include two of my balls because I think there’s only Beelicious and Tea Sipper left. We should be fine! =)


Also, could be that some people before me didn’t get them, but I couldn’t figure out on the thread when they disappeared from the box.

I also totally believe that with your drive you can totally achieve Butiki fame. I look forward to seeing what comes next. =)

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