Last of the Liquid Death iced teas!
I was pleasantly surprised upon first sip of this flavour to see that it was a lot sweeter and more full bodied than the other three flavours as, generally speaking, that’s my main criticism of this line up – they’ve been felt very thin/watery. I could maybe do without as mush sweetness present here since it’s a notable step up from the other drinks IMO, but it’s still a much better ratio compared to other iced RTD flavours in the market. And if Liquid Death needs to up the sweetness in order to also up the body then that’s a trade off I’m personally comfortable with.
In terms of the actual peach flavour, it’s quite nice! Bright and just a smidge floral with a very fresh, ripe and dewy sort of quality to it. I did feel like I was losing my mind a little drinking this one because I kept also tasting pears, but then I took a closer look at the ingredient list and there actually is pear flavouring in addition to the peach. I think they’re a great combo – it’s very “orchard fruit” in vibes.
Overall, I think Green Guillotine was shockingly my favouite of the bunch. However, this feels like a close second.