2006 LiMing "Zao Chun Yin Hao" (Early Spring Silver Hairs) 601 Batch

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Creamy, Metallic, Musty, Wet Earth, Wood
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 oz / 100 ml

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  • “2006 LiMing “Zao Chun Yin Hao” (Early Spring Silver Hairs) 601 Batch near wet stored 5g/100ml 205F brew by intuition so no times will be showm only infusions 10 minute “rest” period the dry leaves...” Read full tasting note

From Liming Tea Factory

from king tea mall:


Using young tea leaf from early spring.


Since the nearly wet storage, it ages faster than general tea. Please rinse it twice before going into infusion for drinking.

Bitterness along with pungency. Aged flavor. Returning taste is some complex and pleasing. Especially to some old tea drinker who prefers pretty aged tea.


Guangzhou natural storage (near wet storage).

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1 Tasting Note

11 tasting notes

2006 LiMing “Zao Chun Yin Hao” (Early Spring Silver Hairs) 601 Batch
near wet stored
brew by intuition so no times will be showm
only infusions
10 minute “rest” period
the dry leaves dont really have a scent
if it does its hard for me to detect
wet leaves smells of mustiness kinda like old books and slight caramelized
brown sugar scent slight hay and stone slight creaminess
lid smell more of the mustiness and brown sugar slight earthiness
rinse color golden brown with the slightest hint of red
tea soup smells of incense nag champa was the first thing that comes to mind
brown sugar

first infusion: slightly musty and damp creamy and slightly hay like
the mustiness turns to earthiness in the middle of tasting it feels thick
on the tongue. its minerality shows up after you finish the cup. it feels “salty”
in the back of the throat. good feeling in the mouth. color was golden

second infusion:the mustiness is a little less in this infusion
the earthiness is more up front in this infusion its also a bit savory
not so much in flavor but in feeling and a tiny bit in flavor
the creaminess is there but light. there is a very tiny hint of floral in the finish
just so slightly in the background the color was a little redder

third infusion: more red than gold now starting to get darker the mustiness seems to be
a little at the front but more in the back. there is something metallic in the flavor
not unpleasant though slightly dusty the floral notes are still there and lend just a hint of sweetness
to the tea

fourth infusion: deep burgundy red slight bitterness up front
the cream really comes through in this kinda drying finish
the minerality is very obvious in this steeping some muddiness
some sourness in the finish. got a flash of fruitiness
this one seemed a bit more complex than the others

fifth infusion: the color was still red but lighter more like a candy apple with soe browness to it
the mustiness has returned the earthiness lays on the side of the tongue
there is some creaminess and there is some minerality like licking a rock
floral and woody almost like betel nut that you get in liu bao

sixth infusion: the brown is stating to come through but still a little red the mustiness is there
thought its more over earthy and creamy than anything else the floral notes are very present
mayflowers more gentle in the mouth though a little drying on the tongue

seventh infusion: brewed this one extra long so it would be the crecendo of this session
deep burgond very very dark there is a slight bitterness to it and something floral in
the after taste the bitterness lies on the side of the tongue. quite drying.

i would recommend this tea if you want to age it more

Flavors: Creamy, Metallic, Musty, Wet Earth, Wood

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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