Third loose leaf tea I have received from my Swiss friend. Thank you for all three Fabiana!
I like the colour of the blend. I mean loose pieces of everything. In aroma it is raisins, but as well something bold. Somefruits. Maybe it is maracuja which is mentioned. Maybe oranges. Anyway it smells really great.
10 grams in strainer (I want it strong this time), keeping it all the time in. The water turned into deep red. In aroma it is really nice. Nothing acidic, but oranges and exotic fruits. Why not?
Finally, it is colder, so I can make first sips tasting notes. Sour. But pleasantly sour. Blood oranges, maracuja, as well quite sweet. Fruity mix, but not getting heartburn. Prepared this tea iced must be lovely. I have to try it.
Anyway, it is pleasant. Lots of fruits in, quite long mouth feel for fruit blend. I am not sury why, but it smelled (and tasted) a bit like sour cherries. But maybe my brain is just making shortcuts because of colour.
Overall, good tea for evening.
Flavors: Blood Orange, Cherry, Pleasantly Sour, Raisins
It should have orange-passion fruit flavour, but maybe the age changed the flavour. Or just different ratio of ingredients. I am glad that you liked it, even first impressions weren’t great.
And I shall still have some from this company :)