Green St Petersburg

Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Berries, Caramel, Green, Raspberry, Strawberry, Bergamot, Smoke, Citrus Fruits, Fruity
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Loose Leaf, Sachet
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185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 15 sec 1 g 10 oz / 307 ml

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14 Tasting Notes View all

From Kusmi Tea

Green tea from China flavored with scents of citrus, red fruits, vanilla, and caramel.

Origin: China
Main Flavor: Citrus with gourmand note
Quantity Needed: 0,1oz.

Time of Day: Afternoon
Ideal Water Temperature: 70°C
Recommended Brewing Time: 3-4 min

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14 Tasting Notes

111 tasting notes

I finally managed to empty the small tin and will be able to fill it instead with a tea that I like much better.
It indeed is a bad sign, when I’m happy to be done with a tea:( Usually when I really like a tea, or worse when I even love it, I never can manage to finish it; I always want to leave enough to make another few teapots, in case I ever need this specific tea or the comfort that my favorites bring. It’s actually pretty stupid as I know that leaving a few leaves on their own for so long cannot really be good for the flavoring, but I feel bereft after I emptied completely the box or bag.
Not the case with this one, which rather inspired me a “good riddance, hope I’ll never meet you again” feeling.

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec

you have managed ! I have managed as well to terminate this one too :) I didn’t even make a tea note about it….


I was fondling Kusmi tins today, seriously. I resisted so far, and this is making me glad I did.


you know when I love some brand tins, I try to find them empty on the second hand market…and I buy them to put teas I love.
I bought recently 2 collector kusmi tins edited in 2007 and I filled them with 2 Mariage Frères teas.
I have paid 8 € for 2 tins like this :
Mine are blue and rose and I can pile them up as they are stackable !


Oh, they are lovely indeed. But to buy tins, on their own, there are lovely empty ones anyway – and I reuse a lot of tins which came my way, with paper and labels (or washi tape, which is awesome). Baking powder tins are great because they close nicely and got no smells, and while I was dubious about paprika tins, I washed one on the dishwasher and let it sit for a couple months unused and it got no smell either. I paste some pretty paper over it, some varnish on top, then a label, and a new tea tin to my own taste!

But there is something still irresistible about tins filled with tin in shops – will be strong!


yes I have 4 or 5 washi tin but they are expensive here (really much affordable in Sweden) I made my calculations and if was doing my own washi tin, price would be the same (15 or 20 euros).


I suppose washi are not so expensive in Japan…I’ll need to visit this country :)


Here washi tins are about 12 to 20 euros, so wow for sweden, that sounds lovely.

But are you sure making tins with washi paper is so expensive? I do not know how much those cannisters would be, and it´s expensive to buy supplies to just one thing (glue, varnish, whatever) but if making several I am surprised that the price would be so much. A sheet of chiyogami paper is about 4 or 5 euros and enough for a couple tins at least – and usually there are much cheaper papers which are also nice like italian papers, or origami paper or scrapbooking papers (like 1 euro a sheet and good enough for a tin). Worth checking about it! LOL, or maybe I am just trying to addict you to a an associate tea hobby ;)


lucky you ! here the half sheet is almost 8 € !
look :
and the tin (with double cover) is near 6 € …
But I would love to do my own tins…I’ll check the italian papers :)


Not sure I am so lucky, because the choice I have here is much smaller, but those japanese papers are indeed very very expensive! Check on etsy or ebay, wait will mail you some links!

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2816 tasting notes

This is another tea that came in my little set of 1 oz. Kusmi tins…

yeah it’s a gunpowder tea which I thought was kind of amusing. I have to wonder why they choose this particular tea. I’m definitely getting the fruity element here as well as the caramel and a bit of orange. It’s a really nice afternoon tea, I can’t say I am blown away by it, but it’s tasty. I wonder what this would be like iced?


180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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813 tasting notes

once a goth, always a goth….
approx 1996

#not an actual tea review

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338 tasting notes

The green version of my beloved St. Petersburg!!!! :D The signature notes of red fruits and caramel are just as fragrant and delightful… it’s virtually the same as St. Petersburg but only lighter and sweeter. I personally think it’s great for evenings as it is a soothing, gentle tea.

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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61 tasting notes

It seems I’m the first to review this one… how nerve-wracking.

Another from my Kusmi sampler. I love these little tins!

It’s a gunpowder tea! Since I’m easily amused, these are my favorite. Even in my small sampler the leaves smell quite strong, though I can’t place the scent—a little musky, a little cirtusy. Though not unpleasant.

The cirtus really comes out in the tea itself, and while it cools a little it tastes more fruity. The description says it’s better as an “afternoon” tea, which I obviously ignored (9:30 a.m. at the moment), but it would be a rather good choice for the midday break, when I’m mentally prepared to shut down. Though next time, I’ll consider shortening the steep time. The more I drink, the sweeter it tastes, and I don’t love fruity tea that much.

4 min, 0 sec

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29 tasting notes

I can definitely taste the citrus more strongly in this than in its black counterpart. The green tea seems to add a smokiness that was not present in the black version, either. Red fruits are less present, but the caramel is here in force. An enjoyable cup.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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35 tasting notes

This was one of the teas in a six-set Kusmi sampler that my parents brought back from their recent trip to Paris alongside some Damman Freres (although no Mariage Freres or hand-blown French tea pots . . . thanks, Mum!) although it is one of about ten Kusmi teas I have been interested in trying.

On initial inspection, the tightly rolled Gunpowder pellets are fairly even in size. The scent is rather strong, reminiscent of traditional boiled sweets or stodgy-English puddings and desserts. It’s not quite citrus and not quite caramel. The scent intensifies when hot water is poured into the tea pot.

After brewing for just under three minutes, the colour is a beautiful, light-caramel colour. My initial impression is that it’s an interesting blend, perhaps rather too complex to make more than the occasional appearance at afternoon tea. Perhaps future tastings may change this, but I find red fruits in my tea a little too intense to drink on a regular basis. The sweetness of the caramel tempers the earthy leatheriness of regular gunpowder tea and gives a full-bodied mouthfeel, the red fruits leaves a tingling sensation on the centre of the tongue between each mouthful, but I can’t really detect the vanilla.

It’s rather fitting that I’m drinking this very French tea – despite it’s Russian origins – out of those ubiquitous French espresso glasses which are just perfect for white, green and fruit teas. I would be interested in learning of any real connection that this tea has to St Petersburg, or is just one of a series of Kusmi teas bearing a Russian name? At any rate, I will definitely be trying this tea again, perhaps at a French-themed afternoon tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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12 tasting notes

This is such an excellent tea. soft, citrusy and sweet, but with a bit of green bitterness. the aroma is incredible and with a slightly lower water temp and shorter steeping time, it is perfect, sans sugar, milk, or creme – it needs absolutely nothing but a big mug to hold it in.

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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117 tasting notes

I don’t really like the original version of Saint-Pétersbourg because the flavouring is too subtle. The flavours are still subtle here but it looks like I don’t mind it as much in a green tea. Beautiful rolled gunpowder leaves.

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326 tasting notes

Sipdown! So happy to be under 50 teas now! If I can get through another dozen or so, buying more will be fair game :D

As for the tea, I think the fruit and caramel notes are more prominent than the last time I had this. The caramel is pretty heavy while drinking the tea (and it’s a nice, soft caramel that’s very to my liking), but it doesn’t linger much. The fruitiness, on the other hand, definitely lingers, and I’m getting a nice, sweet strawberry note on top of the more tart raspberry note this time—yummy! The green tea base was a little strong for my liking and the was the slightest hint of astringency (probably my own fault, I think I let this go for about a minute longer than I had planned). I still like the black version of this better, but this one has a lighter vibe that might make it win out in the spring/summer. Not to mention the strawberry is really coming out in the aftertaste and it’s kind of winning me over… Boosting it a few points!

Flavors: Caramel, Raspberry, Strawberry

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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