Brown Rice Green Tea

Tea type
Food Green Blend
Green Tea, Popped Rice
Buffalo Grass, Toasted Rice
Sold in
Tea Bag
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Edit tea info Last updated by Martin Bednář
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 oz / 300 ml

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  • “Found out while adding this tea to database; it is Korean Green tea with rice (aka Korean version of Genmaicha) Received this tea from postcrossing quite long time ago; I think it can be half an...” Read full tasting note

From kkoh shaem food company ltd.

This Tea is made from the best Korea brown rice green tea leaf
It is highly recommended as a daily health drink for both sexes
Perfect Chinese New Year Gift to your parent or relative

Korean KKOH SHAEM Brown Rice Green Tea (1.5gx25Teabag)
Ingredient: Unpolished Rice, Green Tea.

How to serve:
Place one tea bag in a 200ml mug and add hot water.
Allow to infuse for at least 2~10 minutes.

Brown rice tea, known as “genmaicha” in Japanese, is a special blend of green tea and roasted brown rice. Brown rice tea contains flavonoids, antioxidants, trace minerals and vitamins. The health benefits of brown rice tea are comparable to that of green tea. Brown rice tea has a nutty aroma and flavor, and you can serve it warm or use it to make iced tea.

About kkoh shaem food company ltd. View company

Company description not available.

1 Tasting Note

2067 tasting notes

Found out while adding this tea to database; it is Korean Green tea with rice (aka Korean version of Genmaicha)
Received this tea from postcrossing quite long time ago; I think it can be half an year.

I have only little exprience with Korean green teas. So that said, I don’t know their qualities and flavours.

This tea bag I let steep for two, maybe three minutes in the water of 80°C approximately.

It was smooth drink with nice base which was nicely grassy (again, a sweet grass notes) and rice. Yes, certainly to was with roasted rice, as genmaicha should be.. but this time I felt like it was overpowering the base and it was rather rice with hints of green tea. It was quite sweet in my opinion and my stomach felt bit heavy afterwards.

Flavors: Buffalo Grass, Toasted Rice

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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