2011 Xia Guan Jin Se Chuan Qi (Golden Legend)

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Pu'erh Tea
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1 Tasting Note View all

  • “100 mL gaiwan, 5.8g, 212f Brita filtered tap 5s rinse dry leaves: not much scent wet leaves: smoky, roast, dried fruits 5s: very light, slightly medicinal woody and leaves a lightly sweet...” Read full tasting note

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1 Tasting Note

274 tasting notes

100 mL gaiwan, 5.8g, 212f Brita filtered tap
5s rinse

dry leaves: not much scent

wet leaves: smoky, roast, dried fruits

5s: very light, slightly medicinal woody and leaves a lightly sweet aftertaste

15s: hint of bitterness. more medicinal and woody.

later infusions gain a citrus note.

Not sure why I didn’t make more detailed notes on this one, but seems like it was also during midterms season. Oh well.

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