Lapsang Souchong

Tea type
Black Tea
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Caramel, Cherry, Chocolate, Malt, Astringent, Dark Chocolate, Mineral, Smoke, Smooth, Berry, Fruity, Earth, Dark Bittersweet, Bread
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Edit tea info Last updated by Joseph Wesley Black Tea
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec 8 g 12 oz / 367 ml

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34 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thank you for the free sample Joseph Wesley! This is lovely, truly!! I am usually on the fence with Chinese black teas, but this, well this is delicious. Definitely getting a cigar association as...” Read full tasting note
  • “Joseph Wesley’s Lapsang Souchon blows heavy smoke in your face upon first whiff of the dry leaves. Not quite as heavy as if you’re standing next to Grandpa Joe and his massive Cuban cigar; this is...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! every pot I made at work was deliciously complex and satisfying. While i’m supremely bummed to say goodbye to this tea, i know that i can find some good quality non-smoked LS elsewhere. In...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea Advent Calendar – Day 18 I’ve recently discovered that I like smokey black tea and I’ve never tried anything from Joseph Wesley, so I was excited to see this one in today’s Advent calendar...” Read full tasting note

From Joseph Wesley Black Tea

Joseph Wesley’s Black Tea No. 7 is a malty, robust full-bodied tea that is as sensual in its appearance as it is in its taste and aroma. A uniquely crafted iteration of the famous Chinese black tea Lapsang Souchong, this tea beautifully balances its smoky undertones with its rich malty plum and chocolate overtones. Grown and processed in a mature tea garden outside the famous Fuding City, in China’s Fujian Province, this tea’s large dark leaves provide both a mesmerizing texture as well as a lush and rich amber liquor. Joseph Wesley’s Black Tea No. 7’s bold flavors, aromas and textures make for a perfect pairing with your favorite sharp cheeses.

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34 Tasting Notes

1759 tasting notes

Thank you for the free sample Joseph Wesley! This is lovely, truly!!
I am usually on the fence with Chinese black teas, but this, well this is delicious. Definitely getting a cigar association as the Snooty Tea Person pointed out below, but like s/he said, not a strong one. Mild and pleasant!
Beyond that there is a sparkling element that I find with really good teas. Is that mineral, is that what that taste is? Hmmm.
It has some depth to it, and LOTS of complexity. I’m getting Barley, a tiny bit of hay, and a big wallop of cacao right before the end of my sip. The aftertaste is of barley as well.
Now, I know this is damn good tea because every time I take a sip, it’s like reading that book you just can’t put down, I want more more!! but then, I really need to savour this as well… so I’m taking really tiny sips in hopes that I can fool myself into thinking that it will last longer that way.

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90 tasting notes

Joseph Wesley’s Lapsang Souchon blows heavy smoke in your face upon first whiff of the dry leaves. Not quite as heavy as if you’re standing next to Grandpa Joe and his massive Cuban cigar; this is when he’s stepped out to the bathroom and left his jacket behind, which you put on so that, just for a moment, you can feel like the Old Spice guy.

And yet, once in the cup, this baby comes out as light as you please–we go from Old Spice to Posh Spice, all grown up and nestled in the arms of David Beckham. The liquor is tarnished gold, like a pale ale, and the aroma gives you nothing but… Full review here:

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114 tasting notes

Sipdown! every pot I made at work was deliciously complex and satisfying. While i’m supremely bummed to say goodbye to this tea, i know that i can find some good quality non-smoked LS elsewhere. In all honesty, I would lean towards different types of Chinese black tea like Jin Jun Mei or keemun. Coincidentally, my last tin of tea from Joseph Wesley is a Keemun congfu. Very excited to be starting on that tea tomorrow :)

Cameron B.

I forgot about Joseph Wesley! I always wanted to order his teas and never did, oops? I’ve been really enjoying the Spiced Lapsang from white2tea lately.


Spiced… That sounds pretty incredible. Makes me wish i was still in the tea club for the lapsang month!

Cameron B.

I made a big order of samples and minis at the end of last year, I’ve been enjoying trying them all!

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961 tasting notes

Tea Advent Calendar – Day 18

I’ve recently discovered that I like smokey black tea and I’ve never tried anything from Joseph Wesley, so I was excited to see this one in today’s Advent calendar pouch. And I wasn’t disappointed! This is a lovely Lapsang Souchong. The base tea is rich and nuanced with notes of mineral, malt, and dark chocolate and the smokiness level is just right – present, but not overpowering. I did notice a slight dryness at the end of the sip that kept me going back for more but left me a bit unsatisfied when my cup was finished. Thankfully, this re-steeps beautifully, getting smoother over time but not losing its flavor. I may have to add this to my collection at some point in the future!

Flavors: Astringent, Dark Chocolate, Malt, Mineral, Smoke, Smooth

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I love all the teas I’ve tried from Joseph Wesley but their website is down and they haven’t posted on social media in over a year. I really hope they aren’t gone for good!


Oh bummer, that’s sad to hear! (But probably good for my wallet..)

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537 tasting notes

I put off trying this tea for a few years because I though it was smoked. I hate the heavily smoked versions of this tea.
This one though is very good and I taste no smoke at all.

205F, 2-4 min, at work
Very fruit forward – cherry, berry, bright; little bit of malt, caramel, and smooth. I’m torn between savoring and drinking it quickly. Berry aftertaste lingers on after each sip. This was a great tea!

Flavors: Berry, Caramel, Cherry, Fruity, Smooth

205 °F / 96 °C

I love smoked teas so I was surprised to find that this one wasn’t smoky when I bought it. What makes a tea Lapsang Souchong if not the smokem?




I agree. If it’s called lapsang Souchong, I expect a smoked tea. Unless it’s marked as unsmoked.

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5 tasting notes

I really enjoy this tea, which is surprising. My first experience with Lapsang Souchong actually led me to create one of my most popular dishes on my menu at my restaurant, Lapsang Souchong Braised Shortribs. After purchasing some to try, I realized that it was far too smoky in flavor to be enjoyable. I didn’t want to throw it away so I decided to cook with it. However, this Lapsang Souchong was very pleasant to drink. It had a very light smokiness which not only allowed me to enjoy the other earthy flavor components but rather complimented them.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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258 tasting notes

Almost to the end of this tea. Probably about two sessions left. I picked this one out because it has been dreary and rainy for the last 5 days. A covenant has been broken. A new ark needs to be built. But a slightly smoky black tea is just what the doctor ordered for a rainy fall day.

I do have to say though that this is enjoyable because it is such a lightly smoked Lapsang. I mean, honestly, if someone brewed this for me and didn’t tell me what it was, I wouldn’t guess Lapsang. It mainly tastes like an earthy black tea. A delicious one at that. I had ordered two other teas (3 in total for those counting along at home) from Joseph Wesley and they all have been fantastic.

Flavors: Earth, Malt

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec 6 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

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1758 tasting notes

This tea is quite good. It’s not a smoky lapsang. There are some notes of malt in there. There are some notes of chocolate in there. Very tasty.

I brewed this one time in a 16oz Teavana Glass Perfect Tea Maker/Graqvity Steeper with 3 tsp leaf and 200 degree water for 3 min.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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2171 tasting notes

Another sad sipdown. Maybe one day Joseph Wesley will return. This is one I would definitely repurchase. It’s got a bittersweet chocolate vibe, very deep and dark. Plus, it’s kept is flavor much longer than others I purchased from JW around the same time. Highly recommend.

Flavors: Dark Bittersweet, Dark Chocolate, Malt

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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818 tasting notes

So, I totally didn’t realize this was a non-smoked lapsang until I brewed it up. That’s okay though…you know why? Because it tastes amazing! It has a subtle hint of smoke, more like a keemun than a smoked lapsang, but there were notes of malt, cocoa, caramel, fruit. Mmmm! Later infusions brought out the caramel even more. Absolutely delicious, and probably ranks up there with the Classic Chinese black tea. :)

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