Tea type
Herbal Honeybush Pu'erh Yerba maté Blend
Honeybush, Pu Erh Tea, Roasted Yerba Mate
Cinnamon, Earthy, Roasted, Sarsaparilla, Smooth, Thick, Woody
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Loose Leaf
Not available
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 12 oz / 350 ml

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From Jasmine Pearl Tea Company

Puerh Queen, sarsaparilla, honeybush and roasted yerba mate will have a dance party in your mouth! The sweet vanilla-like notes of both sarsaparilla and honeybush, and the chocolatey notes of roasted mate will compliment the puerh base in this blend. A great cup of tea to share with the party and also a great intro for those new to puerh.

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2 Tasting Notes

1271 tasting notes

For the sipdown prompt, “a coffee tea.” It isn’t really a coffee tea, though. I am only left with two of those now, and both were from my once-a-year-birthday-order I’ve been doing the last several years, and I want to keep the packages sealed until I’ve worked through older tea. Of my older tea, this one at least has some elements of the base that remind me of coffee — pu’erh and roasted mate — but the sarsaparilla in the blend takes the actual flavor in a very different direction.

I’m really liking Jasmine Pearl’s pu’erh blends. I think I like “Black Wolf” a bit more than this one, but this is also really great… mainly because I’m a huge sarsaparilla fan, and its chock full of it. The tea liquor is thick with slightly earthy/roasty notes, a strong sarsaparilla flavor on the sip that lingers a bit at the back of the throat. There is almost a “woody cinnamon” sort of flavor in the aftertaste. It smooths out the pu’erh flavors that I typically just don’t care for, but it doesn’t taste “soda-like” either.

Sadly it looks like they don’t offer this tea anymore. A shame! I love sarsaparilla and it isn’t used in tea blends that often. This will be missed when I finish working through the pouch.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Earthy, Roasted, Sarsaparilla, Smooth, Thick, Woody

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML
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Lexie Aleah 2 years ago

This was one of my favorite teas from them. I haven’t had it in quite awhile and am sad to hear it is gone. Sarsaparilla teas are so yummy.

Lexie Aleah 2 years ago

Hey, I went to Cody’s Portland tea meetup recently and someone there told me there’s another tea company that sells this blend still. I think the company was called Cup Of Tea. I was excited to hear that and thought I’d share here since I remembered seeing your post.

Mastress Alita 2 years ago

Huh, I’m pretty sure Jasmine Pearl (at least claimed) that they were the blenders of that tea, so I wonder if the other shop wholesaled it from them and are just going through pre-existing stock.

Mastress Alita 2 years ago

Yes, but as I said, they also have other Jasmine Pearl blends, which, Jasmine Pearl claims are their original blends (on the website they had “Origin: JP Signature Blend”… not that I haven’t seen tea companies lie about this before, but I’d like to give the benefit of the doubt…) so I think they might just be going through old stock and once it’s gone, I don’t think it would still be available (unless perhaps they are custom blending it for those other shops despite no longer carrying it themselves, which could be a possibility).

Lexie Aleah 2 years ago

I think the person who told me about it mentioned that they were blending it for that other company. Nice to know that there are at least two possible places to still find it.

Lexie Aleah 2 years ago

Don’t quote me on that though because it could end up just being old stock.

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348 tasting notes

I paid a visit to The Jasmine Pearl earlier in the afternoon right after work. With traffic, I was worried about making it on time, but I arrived with an hour or so to spare. Originally, I intended only on having their yellow tea and any other new orthodox offerings they had on hand.

Then I came across this blend.

I rarely go for blends. Even rarer is my inclination toward a cooked pu-erh blend. But this…whoah. It tasted like…earthy root beer. “Root Beer of the Earth”! Oh man, I have to write that down. Great book title idea.

Where was I?

Oh yes, great blend. Tastes like a flavored tea without any flavoring. Tastes pretty darn spiffy when iced as well.

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