Jahe Wangi Instant Ginger Tea

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Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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  • “Lets give this tea a go, it’s about time I used this sample. Lunch time here after a busy morning of making jewellery for roughly 30 orders. A slice of toast and cup of tea is definitely in...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thursday Dec. 23, 2010 3rd Steep of the Day Need some Stomach settling so went for Ginger. This Jahe Wangi Instant is my Favorite Ginger Product. 2 Packs for a Large Mug add Boiling Water. Strong...” Read full tasting note

From Intra

Intra Instant Ginger Tea is made from fresh top grade Java ginger which gives a refreshing and invigorating feeling when consumed. Modern and hygienic manufacturing techniques are used to preserve the natural taste, goodness and fragrance. It is an ideal drink for everyone.

Instant Jahe Wangi Intra is an Indonesian traditional drink, this unique ginger aroma gives hot and warm taste. Serve as hot beverage in rainy or winter season for old andRead more

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2 Tasting Notes

1379 tasting notes

Lets give this tea a go, it’s about time I used this sample. Lunch time here after a busy morning of making jewellery for roughly 30 orders. A slice of toast and cup of tea is definitely in order.

It just looks like sugar with a slight spicy kick of ginger. Not as strongly ginger as I was hoping for but it may pick up in the steep. I have always found instant drinks to be strange.

Colour is cloudy burnt yellow and has a soft but sweet smell of ginger. Flavour is fiery but sweet and stronger than it’s scent. Like a nice strong ginger ale that’s been warmed by the sun.

Nice and pleasant considering it’s an instant drink. Would drink more of this if I had it. Would consider buying it in small amounts as it would make a great winter drink.

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Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Glad to hear that biz is going good!

Sammy2406 11 years ago

Where can you buy this in the UK ?
tried looking every where and cant get it

KittyLovesTea 11 years ago

Sorry Sammy but I believe this was a sample someone included into a tea swap, so I didn’t actually buy it. If I see it for sale in UK I will let you know but for now I’m afraid that I cannot help you.

KittyLovesTea 11 years ago

@Sammy2406 I found a place online in UK that sells them though they are somewhat expensive. http://javanesetaste.ecrater.co.uk/p/19479745/intra-ginger-drink-jahe-wangi

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400 tasting notes

Thursday Dec. 23, 2010
3rd Steep of the Day
Need some Stomach settling so went for Ginger.
This Jahe Wangi Instant is my Favorite Ginger Product.
2 Packs for a Large Mug add Boiling Water.
Strong Ginger Just what the Stomach needs.
What a Treat.
Keep on Steepin

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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