Silencio Andino

Tea type
Green Tea
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185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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  • “Sipdown, but I apparently never added this to my cupboard. Oops! Green tea, chamomile and orange. This tasted mostly like chamomile, with a bit of grassy green tea. As it cools, I got a hint of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Green tea with camomile and orange peel. I can not smell the orange, but it is lovely as it is. Camomile flavour is very strong, green tea less strong. I find it a really pure kind of drink.” Read full tasting note

From Inti Zen

Harmonize body, mind and spirit
Green tea, chamomile & Orange Peel

Armoniza cuerpo, mente y espíritu
Té verde con Manzanilla y cáscara de Naranja

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2 Tasting Notes

2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, but I apparently never added this to my cupboard. Oops!

Green tea, chamomile and orange. This tasted mostly like chamomile, with a bit of grassy green tea. As it cools, I got a hint of orange, but other wise it was ok but less successful than the other Inti Zens I’ve had today.

2 min, 0 sec

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362 tasting notes

Green tea with camomile and orange peel. I can not smell the orange, but it is lovely as it is. Camomile flavour is very strong, green tea less strong. I find it a really pure kind of drink.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 45 sec
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Ninavampi 13 years ago

We recently got some of Inti Zen teas in the Ecuadorian supermarket. I was so excited! Sadly we only got the box that had a sample of each flavor and the chai, and they no longer have the tea in stock. This one was pretty good. : ) My favorite was one that had green tea and melon. I wish I could remember what it was called…

cteresa 13 years ago

Oh, I never saw that one for sale, must try to find it – it was available here (in Portugal) a couple years ago, then it disappeared, and then it is back again (not a lot of tea drinkers here, I guess, shops sometimes treat tea has being trendy gift stuff). Silencio Andino is a re-buy for me, I really like it. The sample pack sounds like a good idea as well! I am pretty curious aboutt their flavoured mate.

Ninavampi 13 years ago

There are also very few tea drinkers in Ecuador. That would explain why this tea hasn’t been back in stock (considering that it has to be imported). The flavored mate was pretty good, definitely worth trying. But the spot light was the melon. The rose earl grey also made me pretty happy.

cteresa 13 years ago

Ah, I will keep it in mind, if I ever see those. I got this (which i liked very much) and two others, patagonia bee (honey and cocoa) and don juan (red fruits and dulce de leche. so they say. Not that i can spot it) which I did not like so much.

Ninavampi 13 years ago

I just commented on your Don Juan post. I agree completely on the lack of dulce de leche. Sad because it is one of my favorite flavors. I know I tried Patagonia Bee, but it apparently didn’t leave a lasting impression because I can’t remember what I thought of it.

cteresa 13 years ago

Patagonia Bee for me tasted exactly like honey lipbalm – to my nose, artificial “honey scent” rather than what real honey tasted like. Don Juan, meh, I just could not get it. But I might have just bad luck at picking the flavours – and I do love this silencio andino.

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