That same night we ordered in pizza we also ordered bubble tea from a shop specializing in bubble tea made from rice yogurt! This was actually the flavour my mom ordered – as I get through this backlog of tasting notes, you’ll see that a theme was for sure her ordering things that I also had a curiosity about so that I could taste twice as many things during this trip. We love a parent that supports adding to your flavour memory bank!
Of the two drinks we ordered, I would call this one the less noticeably “yogurt tasting”. It was, certainly, very thick and creamy but mostly the strong and sweet notes of strawberries and bananas gave it more of a smoothie vibe. A smoothie made with yogurt, sure, but more fruit forward. It was very tasty though! You could clearly see fruity chunks that had been blended down into the base, and I was pleased that meant the flavour wasn’t derived just from powder.