Santa's Milk & Cookies

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaLady441
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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16 Tasting Notes View all

  • “sipdown (189) time to switch to the lesser caffeine options i think. I’ve kinda been drinking a lot today in an effort to stay warm in our house. Our balcony door’s weather stripping is nearly...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! I gave the rest of this to VariaTEA as well as a ton of other samples. I didn’t count them. I just kept adding. Mwahahah. Hopefully she finds more of the Herbal Infusions teas that she...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea smells SO amazing but the taste falls a bit short. However, when milk is added the black tea base is toned down and there is definitely a cookie taste. Not a super sweet cookie but rather...” Read full tasting note
  • “Okay, my usual steeping parameters for 52teas (3 min at 185 degrees) works for Herbal Infusions as well! Yay! I didn’t get any bitterness and the flavor shone through. This tea smells like cookies,...” Read full tasting note

From Herbal Infusions

Day 11
12 Days of Christmas 2013

About Herbal Infusions View company

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16 Tasting Notes

15575 tasting notes

sipdown (189) time to switch to the lesser caffeine options i think. I’ve kinda been drinking a lot today in an effort to stay warm in our house. Our balcony door’s weather stripping is nearly non existent so the wind has been pushing through all day, making the house colder than normal. I had tow ear socks today. blech. 188 up to 193 and back down to 189 lol good times were had by all!

this one’s not too bad but it’s a little picky for my tastes. it’s easy to brew this up and get a bit of bitterness that i don’t like. Still though, an enjoyable cup!


‘An effort to stay warm’… Pff! We know a radical sipdown effort when we see one!


i have been cold all day. it sucks.


A Canadian winter to remember that’s for sure…Sil, on top the wind and cold there’s so much snow that for the first time ever, my dog refuses to go to certain spots in the woods cause he sinks and disappears under it, and he’s got giraffe legs, I swear!!!


I hate wearing socks indoors also!


I need new weather stripping for our back door – its amazing how much cold air is coming in under there!

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1598 tasting notes

Sipdown! I gave the rest of this to VariaTEA as well as a ton of other samples. I didn’t count them. I just kept adding. Mwahahah.
Hopefully she finds more of the Herbal Infusions teas that she enjoys!

This one is sorta flat. I’m less enthused about it now that I’m not drinking it on Christmas day. Sorry Santa’s Milk!


NO!!! no more of this! I literally have one bag of this that is still sealed and another that is 3/4 full. And I really don’t like it all that much. haha.


Oh well, I guess I will now have an excessive surplus of this to find the perfect way to brew it.


Oh snap. Maybe I didn’t share it with you? I tried not to give you more of the 3 you told me about, but some are so similar in my head that I mixed them up. :O



Hahaha. Whatever happens, happens.

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6444 tasting notes

This tea smells SO amazing but the taste falls a bit short. However, when milk is added the black tea base is toned down and there is definitely a cookie taste. Not a super sweet cookie but rather a slightly burnt spiced cookie. Not bad but I have two bags of it (since Herbal Infusions sent me a duplicate order) and so I will probably put one up for swap if anyone is interested.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Mine smells like pumpkin and has orange maple leaf sprinkles in it… seems strange to me. LOL will have to try it and see.

Josie Jade

Id be up for swapping for some of this!


@Dexter – It smells good to me but I am not loving the taste. I am finding that with a few of the Herbal Infusions teas. However, Marshmallow Snowflake Earl Grey is REALLY good I had like 3-4 cups of it the first day I tried it.

@ Josie Jade – I will message you when I get back to Montreal and we will arrange a swap. My Dad is sending me a box of tea with BF orders from Harney, Butiki, 52 teas, and American Tea Room so I will have plenty of teas to swap when I get back. There is definitely some of this tea with your name on it though :)

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818 tasting notes

Okay, my usual steeping parameters for 52teas (3 min at 185 degrees) works for Herbal Infusions as well! Yay! I didn’t get any bitterness and the flavor shone through. This tea smells like cookies, for sure. It tastes lie maple-flavored cookies. I’ve never had a maple-flavored cookie…do they have those in Canada? It probably has something to do with the little maple leaf-shaped sprinkles in the tea. I liked this tea. Can’t say it’s what I expected, but definitely yummy.


Yes we do! Several companies make them, both as plain and cream filled layer cookies.


That sounds yummy!


The maple sandwich cookies are quite common here, for sure.


Awesome. :) I’ll have to try 185F for mine as well.

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1501 tasting notes

Wow. This smells divine. Definitely like milk and cookies! Even steeped, the smell remains, and my office space smells lovely.

Hot, this is perfect. Like, I couldn’t imagine anything better. Creamy, buttery, and dark graham cookie – kind of perfection. Zero astringency or bitterness. I did make sure to overleaf slightly (1.25 tsp per cup) and had the water just below boiling for steeping. I did steep it WAY too long again though, and yet, still perfect.

Once cooled however, the tea gets bitter and astringent, in an icky way. Some sugar helps slightly (it was perfect as-is when hot), however it’s still really drying to the palate.

Note to self: only drink this hot. It’s excellent there, and less than excellent if I wait too long. Giving it a high rating for the taste when it’s excellent.

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

This one didn’t work for me. It was bitter but smelled sooo good. Perhaps I should follow your parameters and try it. I have 2 packages of this to get it right.


Did you really steep this one for 8 minutes? I guess I’ll try it for longer and see if I can coax more flavour!


I actually steeped it for 23 minutes. :$ It was perfect hot. As soon as it cooled though, ick. Left it to get completely cold, and the first few sips were good again, and then… bitter.


Wow. Good to know. 23 min? Huh. (I’m just stunned something could be drinkable after that long)

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358 tasting notes

I got this tea from VariaTEA for my fiancee, who loves cookie teas. After trying a cup myself this morning, I don’t think that this will disappoint him. The smell reminds me of chocolate chip cookies, and there’s a little brown sugar noticeable. The flavor is more of a rich sugar cookie flavor with a light spiciness to it. The flavor seems to change with every sip, but every sip is equally delicious! I’m glad we have a whole pack of this tea to enjoy, although once the fiancee gets a hold of it it won’t last long! Thanks, VariaTEA!

-Dry blend has large black tea leaves with small red and yellow leaf sprinkles.
-Dry leaves smell sweetly of chocolate chip cookies. Tea liquor aroma is malty with hints of rich brown sugar and cookie.
-Tea liquor is a clear dark orange brown color.
-Strong black tea flavor with a brown sugar finish. Sugary cookie and lightly spicy aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. A unique cup. Sweet brown sugar and cookie flavor with a hint of spiciness.


You are far more appreciative of this than I ever was. To me, it was a sweet black tea so I am so glad that you are getting more out of it and truly enjoying it as it should be enjoyed.

Josie Jade

Thank you, VariaTEA! I made this one for my fiancee this morning and he loved it too. :)

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50 tasting notes

Thanks to Isalia for Day #11 of the 12 Days of Christmas 2013. Love the name of the tea. Really had a good time learning about Herbal Infusions. Dan, the owner, has some really good videos loaded. The shipping is really reasonable, I think I am going to place an order. As for this tea, I think I steeped it on too high of a setting. I did a black tea setting but maybe right under boiling would of been better. Thus so, all of the wonderful flavors did not jump out at me but it was an enjoyable cup to start the day.

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2238 tasting notes

A sample from VariaTEA. Hopelessly unseasonal, given that it’s practically summer, but I don’t mind. Delicious tea is delicious tea, and this is particularly wonderful. For starters, it smells wonderful — even dry, the rich scent of freshly baked cookies is hopelessly enticing. Brewed, it’s even better. That actually came as a bit of a surprise, as flavoured teas can be a bit hit and miss in terms of tasting like they smell. Not so with this one!

I gave 1 tsp of leaf about 3.5 minutes in boiling water, and added a splash of milk. It’s amazing from first sip; deliciously bakey, choc-chip cookie flavoured heaven, with a gorgeous milkiness that develops mid-sip. I like how the milk tastes slightly “thin”, like actual milk would. It’s almost too much in a way — it’s fairly sweet and rich, and a smallish cup is definitely enough. Thanks to VariaTEA for sharing this one with me!

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

Sounds yummy!

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16950 tasting notes

Sipdown (201/203)!

This is the last of yesterday’s backlog I’m going to be able to squeak in a write up for, at least for today. I need to go get ready for my interview and eat something. Still, I made a nice(ish) dent in it!

I finished this off quickly because I could see the sipdown potential and was not worried about hoarding it. The last was prepped in a timolino to allow for the little extra bit of leaf, and I mixed in some milk just like I had pondered doing earlier this week.

I was actually less impressed this time around and thought this mug worth taste rather burnt/bitter, and almost had unwelcome notes of cinnamon. Despite maintaining a “cookie like” taste, this was not so delicious and the milk did nothing to help at all. I finished the whole thing in the hope that by the time it cooled down a little it’d be better (just slowly sipping at it in the mean time), but it never did and in hindsight I think I should have just dumped it and saved myself some time.

I’m going to lower my rating.


Good luck today!!


Good luck!! And I am sorry this wasn’t good. I had a lot of the same issues with it as you did. Luckily I was able to send it to Josie Jade who seems to really enjoy it.


Fingers crossed with the interview!

Roswell Strange

Interview didn’t go too well, but as soon as I got there I kind of knew it wouldn’t. The staff was all East Indian employees, and all eight other candidates besides myself were also East Indian and all seemed to know one another/the staff. Oh well, just gotta keep looking.


That is weird. I always wonder why they interview people when that happens. I’ve had a couple interviews like that.

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