I wasn’t familiar with Ontario Ice Wine, I just requested the sample because it sounded interesting.
But as I’m wont to do, I satisfied my curiousity about Ontario Ice Wine by looking it up. Here’s some information, for the also-curious:
This was the tiniest of the little samples, not even enough for half a cup. Its leaves look like fairly basic, plain black tea leaves but the smell is very distinctive. A sweet, wine/grape scent, like a dessert wine (which, having read the article at the above link, I now know isn’t surprising). Not having had Ice Wine, I must liken it to something I have had. Sauterne?
The aroma of the steeped tea is grapier, or perhaps raisinier than it is winey, and it’s sweet. It has something else going on as well. Dates? And also seems to have a floral note. The color is orange/brown and on the light side.
There is a dusky, wine taste to the tea, but it isn’t as sweet as the aroma would lead one to expect. I enjoyed it, but it isn’t a stand out for me.