This is another from Sips By, one I had been putting off. It’s a bad habit of mine — ignoring unflavored whites or oolongs. I know they can be more delicate when it comes to preparation, and that always makes me hesitate.
The leaves are a little glossy and knotted into nuggets. There are also long, thin stems mixed in. They smell sweet and nutty. The package instructions say to give it 90 seconds, so I did, and it came out to a light tan. The leaves had swelled but did not have time to unfurl.
The flavor is a little lighter than I would prefer, so I will probably go with more leaf and maybe 2 minutes instead. Still, it is a smooth and toasty oolong. Much closer to a black tea’s fermentation than a green’s. And it has that creamy note you get with some higher grade oolongs. I do love that. I’ll probably take this as my work tea tomorrow to finish up the sample and get a better taste of it.
Flavors: Cream, Creamy, Nutty, Toasty