Top Chingwo Congou

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jason
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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14 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I haven’t had this tea in ages! I went to bed at 1 a.m. Hubby woke me at 6 a.m. saying he was in pain. After about an hour of trying to pat him and say “there, there” he finally agreed to let me...” Read full tasting note
  • “I ordered a sample of this tea with my last Harney order because I am always curious about Fujian black teas, especially uncommon ones, and the description sounded tasty. The dry leaf smells a bit...” Read full tasting note
  • “I knew that I would love this tea the minute I read the description on the Harney and Sons website. I thought I was going to have to wait and wait to try it, but SimplyJenW surprised me with some!...” Read full tasting note
  • “A recent tea splurge….and my tea of the afternoon. The first thing that comes to mind is the roasty, nutty notes in tea without the chocolate notes that I am typically drawn to in a Chinese...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

Chingwo is an under-appreciated Fujian black tea, but we are confident that you will appreciate this special tea. Its small black leaves brew into a silky tea with hints of nuts whose flavor endures.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

14 Tasting Notes

3519 tasting notes

I haven’t had this tea in ages!

I went to bed at 1 a.m. Hubby woke me at 6 a.m. saying he was in pain. After about an hour of trying to pat him and say “there, there” he finally agreed to let me take him to the hospital, where we were sure they would say he had a kidney stone. They did, and he did.

After freezing in the E.D. and trying to nap for two hours on chairs, I wanted…no, needed….some tea! I decided to give this one a try again being careful. Very careful.

And it paid off. This was a fantastic boost. I steeped it in my little eight ounce gongfu pot, using 200F water for only three minutes. The taste was so fruity, you would almost think it was flavored. After the fruit, a nutty flavor follows. Though this is a black tea, there is something about it that reminds me of an oolong.

Really, really delicious this morning.


Hope your hubby is better soon.


Oh no! Best wished to the hub!


wished = wishes, well you know!


Thank you! He is home now and feeling much better. I don’t know if the shot totally killed the pain or if the stone passed and it is over, but I am hoping it is all done!


ouch!! hope it’s all done to :(


POOR HIM! I had 2 kidney stones in 6 months and the first one was so bad that I was alone and called 911…(didn’t know what it was and was passing out!) Glad it was ONLY a Stone!!! Yeah! He’ll be good as new!


There are not enough drugs to kill that pain. He surely passed it or it moved. Hoping for passed it.


Hooray! It is officially passed, and hopefully this is the first and last one he will ever have! Thank you for the well wishes!


Oh, Bonnie! I am glad you have not had any more of them. I had one two years ago on vacation at the beach and had no idea what was happening. Tea friend Sandy here on steepster is a doctor, and when I called her and told her what was happening she told me it sounded like a kidney stone, so we went to an Urgent Care in a nearby town. I was throwing up constantly from the pain. I had someone with me who could drive me there, or I would have had to call an ambulance, too. I had to get hubby up off the grass and back in the car! You can’t drive in that kind of pain! K S: sounds like you are speaking from experience, too!


Owwwwwwww. I’m glad that thing is out of him and I hope he feels better soon!

Autistic Goblin

I’ve never had one but I’m glad your hubby is feeling better and I hope that you guys don’t get another one :D I would check with the doctor as I think cranberry juice can help prevent another one but I’m not a doctor and don’t know for sure.


Thanks, Helena! I have read that lemonade would help, though it takes a lot of it daily to keep them at bay. I guess the most important thing will be always staying hydrated so the crystals don’t get a chance to form. I hope they analyze the stone so we will know what he should do. Oxalates, calcium, who knows what to do? LOL! He has always been a big milk drinker.

Autistic Goblin

yeah it all depends on what the doctors say :D

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2201 tasting notes

I ordered a sample of this tea with my last Harney order because I am always curious about Fujian black teas, especially uncommon ones, and the description sounded tasty.

The dry leaf smells a bit chocolatey and molasses-y, a good sign. It’s really dark in color, with lots of medium-length twisty leaves.

The steeped tea for some reason reminds me powerfully of China. I mean, I know, it’s a Chinese tea, but the scent of it… it’s so familiar, even though I know I didn’t have this kind of tea when I was there. It’s like I smelled it steeping in the tea shops and it buried itself in my mind. It’s fruity and almost floral in the way oolongs are floral.

The flavor is good, although I think my steep parameters yielded a too-strong cup for my tastes. I will probably drop it to 195°F, since that is typically the temp I brew other Fujian black teas at. Nevertheless, this tea has an interesting and tasty flavor profile. Raisins and nuts, for sure, with a certain floral note. I wish I could pinpoint my association with this tea and China, because it’s there in the flavor too. Maybe I did taste a tea like this in Beijing? Perhaps one of the Tan Yangs I tried had a similar profile. It is just so familiar, and it’s driving me a little nuts!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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1112 tasting notes

I knew that I would love this tea the minute I read the description on the Harney and Sons website. I thought I was going to have to wait and wait to try it, but SimplyJenW surprised me with some! THANK YOU JEN!!!!!

This is actually the second time I’m drinking it. Busy at work, we need a new roof, jury duty, an earthquake – you know. Just those every day things ;) kept me from raving about how delicious this tea is! It reminds me a bit of a stronger, yet sweeter Emperor’s Red. Instead of roasty, I taste a nutty profile. Not just nutty, but that papery coating that walnuts have over their meat? That taste! It’s really nice in a tea.

I’ll write more when things slow down – I hope to purchase this one asap because it’s fantastic! Really great when you are in the mood for something inbetween – mellower than Keemun Mao Feng, but gutsier than a Golden Monkey, let’s say.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

So excited! She sent this one to me, too, and I saved it for tea party day which is TODAY! Hooray! Hope things calm down soon.


I think it is always good to have a taste first if you can for those pricey ones…


I have a Chingwo at work which I’ve quite enjoyed. Maybe I’m feeling inspired now and will make some if I’m the one making tea today.

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985 tasting notes

A recent tea splurge….and my tea of the afternoon. The first thing that comes to mind is the roasty, nutty notes in tea without the chocolate notes that I am typically drawn to in a Chinese congou. It kind of reminds me of walnuts, of which I am not really a fan. The leaves are long, thin and very dark. The liquor brews up much lighter than I expected. The jury is still out on this one, so I will hold off rating for a while. I think I need to play around with my brewing parameters a little.

24 oz teapot, freshly boiled water, 4 actual tsp tea, 4 minutes.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I’ve been curious about this one! Interesting! I will look for your follow up review. I do like walnuts so this may be a possibility…


Well, it must have been working for me on levels that I did not understand. The first pot was gone in record time, and now it is time for a resteep!

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39 tasting notes

This tea has grown on me once I found the brewing parameters which bring out the best in it. I find that using a little more than a teaspoon at just under 4 minutes of steep time at just under boiling works best to bring out the delectable flavors hiding in this tea. Using these parameters reveals a subtle fruit tone enveloping a truly high quality classic black tea taste without the bitterness or sting associated with some oversteeped attempts. Brewed appropriately this tea will have me licking my lips after the first few sips. It will dent the wallet but I find the tea to be a rather refined and delicate cup that I simply must have in supply.

This tea is difficult to ice – I have not had much success, preferring other congous such as the panyang. Perhaps adjusting the iced steep parameters will bear better results, and if so I will post such. That said, after mastering the brewing settings this tea has moved into my top 5 and has become a daily enjoyment due to its incredibly smooth finish and heir of sophistication. Good over a book or contemplating non-stressful things.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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1 tasting notes

Simply cannot recall a tea that compelled me quite so completely. While visiting a dear friend who brew a pot — “You really must try this one,” she said when its tin caught my eye in Eve’s tea cupboard — my wife and I found ourselves eagerly refilling our cups. Rarely have I enjoyed so roundly balanced a brew: wonderful body, caramel-honey notes, rich… What a discovery! (Unfortunately, keeping it on-hand may require that we refi the house!)

4 min, 45 sec

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15 tasting notes

I picked up a sample of this tea with my most recent Harney order.

It steeps a nice medium-dark brown. Definite honey presence in scent and taste. Smooth and sweet, and very bold. I really enjoyed this tea, and I’m glad I grabbed a sample while they lasted.

This tea is rather expensive – about twice the price of teas that are arguably comparable in quality. Not sure if I’ll buy anything more than a sample in the future, but I will definitely keep an eye on it.

Flavors: Honey

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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